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Today in Titanic History - with Searching
Today in
Titanic History

Tuesday, October 22, 2024
1886 - 1st class survivor Mr George Achilles Harder was born to Victor Achilles Harder and Minnie Mehl Harder in New York City, New York, USA.

1974 - 2nd class survivor Mrs Antonine Marie Mallet died in Paris, France at the age of 86.

1888 - 3rd class passenger Mr Nils Martin Ödahl was born to Ola Öhdal and Hanna Nilsson.

1887 - 3rd class passenger Mr René Aimé Lievens was born in Heldergem, Belgium.

1926 - Able Seaman and survivor Mr William Henry Lionel Weller died in a shipwreck at the age of 44.

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2001: March

In this month's issue:

*Monthly Stuff
*Site of the Month by Jen
*Character of the Month: Ruth DeWitt Bukater
*Copal's Queue
*Corey's Interviews
*History with Kelly


*B2T News
April 15, 2001 will be the 89th anniversary of the Titanic's sinking. We will be having a "commemorative" issue in honor of the passengers on the Titanic. We would like to include fan submissions in this issue. If you are interested, either e-mail us at or visit our messageboard. We are looking for any kind of submissions - poems, songs, artwork, graphics, articles etc. This issue will not be a substitute for our regular issue that is mailed at the beginning of each month but it will be a "special" that will be sent out on April 14th.

*Titanic News
Lightstorm Entertainment, James Cameron's production company, has been secured exclusively by FOX for the next five years. Although Cameron himself is not stated to direct any films yet, True Lies 2 is currently being scripted.

Kate Winslet was snubbed by the Academy for a nod for her role in Quills, however she managed to receive another nod from Empire Magazine for Best Actress.

Leonardo DiCaprio has been nominated for a Golden Raspberry Award (Razzie) for Worst Actor in a Movie for his role in The Beach.

Mr. Bundchen? The New York Post is reporting that Leonardo DiCaprio has asked model Gisele Bundchen to marry him. In a recent interview with Vaja, Gisele confirmed that Leo is her fiance, with the wedding planned for this June. Reportedly, Leo got down on one knee in his Malibu home last moth and popped the question while holding out a stunning diamond and platinum ring. The couple, which has been together on and off since 1998 have yet to make a public announcement together though.

Don's Plum, the forbidden fruit in North America, has taken Europe by storm. The film, which is banned from the United States and Canada due to a settlement on Leonardo DiCaprio and Tobey Maguire's behalf, is a hit overseas. After it's premier in Berlin, cities all over Europe have picked this film up, including Hong Kong and London.

Kate Winslet has received a Golden Camera award for career achievement. The Golden Camera awards are given out as a kick off to the Berlin Film Festival.

Danny Nucci will be co-starring with Jason Bateman in CBS's new sitcom, "Some of My Best Friends." The show is about a gay and straight man living together. The show is slated for Wednesday nights at 8:00 PM EST. Its debut show is February 28th.

In a recent interview promoting his new show, Danny Nucci mentions that the role that he played all wound up on the cutting room floor. Although he isn't mad at Cameron for cutting his role, Danny said that he can't help but say "what if, what if."

Victor Garber appeared in the latest TV-miniseries hit, ''Life with Judy Garland: Me and My Shadows." Garber played one of Garland's husbands.


Wallpaper by Copal

Quote: "You will never behave like that again Rose"

URL of this month's wallpaper:
click here

Why Copal chose this quote:
"Cal's statement isn't just about dancing with Jack, or partying with lower
class, it was her freedom. It was a defining moment (among many on the ship)
for Rose to know that this was forever and that her newfound spirit would
never breathe again. In that instant she had decided to quietly defy Cal
("I'm not a foreman in one of your mills...") however she would stay. Cal's
outburst comes as a surprise for Rose, but she is quick to make excuses for
the mess he's made. Later that day, when Rose looks over at a little girl
drinking her tea so neatly, the sight mirrors this one so well. She saw her
young life, adventurousness, and freedom in that girl. Things Cal feared so
much, for if she discovered them, she would discard him."

*Titanic in March's History
March 2, 1871: First White Star Line ship, Oceanic sails from Liverpool to
New York.
March 23, 1998: Titanic awarded 11 Oscars, including Best Picture, at 70th
Academy Awards ceremony.
March27, 1935: Last voyage of sister ship Olympic, Southampton to New York.
March 31,1909: Titanic keel laid at Harland and Wolff, Belfast, Ireland.

*Titanic Movie Fact of the Month
The French Bulldog that was to lead Leo and Kate to the floating board was
"adopted" by James Cameron after the shoot.

*Titanic Historical Fact of the Month
The Panama Canal was constructed with Titanic in mind. Meaning, when the
canal was built they used Titanic as the "model" ship that would be passing
through her gates. Everything was created so that even the largest ship in
the world could utilize the canal.


I would like to congratulate Kasey from KC's Titanic Hangout, who is the
proud recipient of an award plaque distinguishing her site as B2T's Site of
the Month for March. Her site is wonderful, full of great graphics, fan
fiction, and much more! Here is what Kasey had to say:

Jen: What made you become interested in Titanic?

Kasey: I was first interested in Titanic after I saw the James Cameron film
with my parents. At first I didn't cry- I couldn't because I was so shocked.
I started writing fan fiction after reading it for about a month at the Kate
'n Leo Cafe. I decided to sit down and try my hand at a story, and all of a
sudden, I had notebooks full, so I posted them on my new website.

Jen: How long has your site been in existence?

Kasey: Um, I really don't remember what month I started my website, I think
it was September of 1999. I started writing in notebooks May of 1999, so it
must be September that I finally got my site up.

Jen: In your opinion, what is the best feature on your site?

Kasey: I think that my fan fiction is the best feature because that's what
started it all, and I have 10 stories posted, and I've gotten tons of
feedback from them!

Jen: What advice would you like to give to other webmasters out there?

Kasey: I'd just like to say be original. That's what keeps me going to the
same websites!

Visit KC's Titanic Hangout -

Become the Site of the Month! -



"So this is the ship they say is unsinkable."

"You know I don't like that Rose."

"Tell us about the accomodations in Steerage Mr. Dawson, I hear they are
quite good on this ship."

"This is not a game Rose."

"You are not to see that boy again."

"Are the lifeboats going to be seated according to class? I hope they're
not too crowded."

*Pictures - Ruth at Lunch - Ruth at Tea - Ruth at Dinner - Ruth and Rose at Dinner - Ruth tightening Rose's corset - Ruth glaring at Jack, holding Rose's hand



Flyout Window

I would like to let everyone in on the little wonder dubbed a "flyout" window. This is a small pop-up window that can appear anywhere on your visitor's screen.
Download this template:

Here a link launches the flyout window, but to have it launch when your site loads, put onload="FlyOut('popup.html')" in the BODY tag. You will need to create a file called popup.html (or something you make up, just so long as you change it on the "launch" page with the Javascript on it.

This script gives you the chance to position the flyout window on the screen. You can change the attributes like "top" and "left" for how many pixels from the top or left. The same goes for width and height, they are in pixels. If you don't want them to have the choice of resizing use "resizable=no". (The opposite of this would be "yes".)

These are attributes you can change:
location=yes (or no)
status=yes (or no)
scrollbars=yes (or no)
toolbar=yes (or no)

Separate these with a comma, just like in the template. These are the perfect alternative to pop-up alerts, something I mentioned disliking in February's article. Once you have your flyout window working, you may want a button (or text link) to click to close the window.

Download the pop-up window I used in the template:

The script you see is all you need to make your window close when they click on the link. Now you're ready to experiment with flyout windows and consider using them on your site.


Who are you and what was your "role" in the making of Titanic?

My name is Gary Young. I was a model builder and co-model lead at Donald Pennington Inc. My job included some fabrication and keeping track of the detailed parts that went on the 60 foot model that split in half, the 25foot stern section that sinks and leading a crew to complete a 1/4 scale bow section used in the final sinking scene. I was also used in fabricating detailed panels for the full size MIR submarine set. We started on the movie in February of 1996 and finished up November of 1996.
What was your typical day like?

My day usually started at 7 A.M. and I worked until 6 P.M. on an average night (10 hours). Sometimes we had a push to finish a piece and that could lead to a 12 to 14 hour day. The schedule I worked also depended on my responsibility at the time since my tasks would change. If I was model building it required getting info on that particular piece scaling certain items up from our research photo reference or blueprints and then building the item. As a lead it was my responsibility to make a list every night for the next day of who was building what part and always making sure that everyone had something to do. This would lead to four to five guys asking questions at any given time - you definitely have to stay organized with a crew of 45 workers. It helped me to understand that delegating responsible leads to certain people made my task easier. Example Jon had a crew of five that were responsible for all the hulls plating. Chris was in charge of the construction crew of four. Frank was in charge of the welding crew that made the sub structure. Then there was a model crew and a paint crew etc, etc. This way you only have to deal with the crew leads instead of everyone which would get impossible to handle.

What was your impression of what the movie was going to be like? Were you surprised with what it ended up being?

At first it was just exciting to work on a Cameron film. Then I began to rethink it as I saw Leo cast as Jack, the expenses grew and then finally when I read the reports in the L.A. Times dissing the movie. I think most of us simply saw it as just another film perhaps maybe even a flop.

It wasn't until I went home to Canada for the Christmas holidays that the impact started to sink in (no pun intended). Going to the theatre with my nephew and niece was quite an experience. It was amazing to see the huge lines outside of the movie and then to see and hear the crowds reaction to the film. Then I knew that this wasn't your average movie. Then it snow balled into this monster and I was amazed by the response. I stopped wearing my crew jacket in public because I didn't want to look arrogant. When you work that hard on something it's really nice to feel the rewards of
what you do for a living.

Did you personally contribute anything (i.e. ideas, etc.)?

I think that when you work in the Special Effects department everyone contributes a little bit of something. Personally I couldn't think of any particular contributions that made any more of a difference than my co-workers. It was a team effort.

Did you come away with any additional knowledge about Titanic?

I learned a great deal not only about the sinking of the boat but about the amazing undertaking those men accomplished in constructing such a enormous ship with the technology they had during that time.

Stay tuned for more of this interview in the next issue of Making Waves!


Name: Mrs. James (Helene) Baxter
Born: 1862
Place: Joliette, Quebec, Canada

Helene Baxter was born in 1862 in Joliette, Quebec, Canada. When she was born her name was Helene Chaput de Laudeniere. She claimed that the fabled French Canadian, Madeline de Vercheres as an ancestor. By the time she was born, her family had a very good social standing, but no money. August, 1882, brought the marriage of her and James "Diamond Jim" Baxter. He was a diamond broker and a banker. Together they had 3 children, 1883- Anthony William, April 4, 1885- Mary Zette Helene, and July 13, 1887- Quigg Edmond. The children were raised billingual; French was spoken to her, English to her husband. They resided at 1201 Sherbrooke St. W., later to be the head office of The Corby Distilling Company.

1892 brought what might have been Canada's first shopping mall, built by her husband. It housed 28 stores under one roof and was located on the Baxter Block on St. Lawerence Blvd. He also opened his own Ville Marie Bank. By 1898, Men in Canada described him as the countries largest country banker.

1900 brought the falling of the family's reputation because her husband was arrested, charged, and convicted of embezzling. The amount was a fortune at the time, $40, 000. This was taken from his own bank. The sentence was five years in jail, in 1905 he passed away, just before his 66th birthday. Helene was well provided because of investments in France, Switzerland, and Belguim. She then sold the mansion and bought a comfortable brownhouse at 33 St. Famille St., near the McGill University Campus.

1911 brought the selling of the Baxter Blvd, with which she took frequent trips to Europe, often accompanied by her and son and married daughter, Zette Douglas. One of this trips brought them aboard the Titanic in one of the more expensive suites, B 58 - 60. Before boarding they stayed at the Elysee Palace Hotel in Paris. They then boarded the Titanic in Cherbourg, with ticket # PC 17558.

During the whole voyage, she was ill with nausea and found the throb of the engines very relaxing. The sudden stop of the ship in the middle of the ocean gave her an anxiety attack. Her son, Quigg, had to carry her up the Grand Staircase and place her and his sister in life boat 6. While kissing them good-bye, he gave his mother a sterling silver brandy flask to keep her warm on the open ocean. She berated him for his drinking.

After the disaster she retired back to Montreal, where she never fully recovered the incident. On June 19, 1923 she died in her apartment. She is now buried in the Baxter family plot in Notre Dame de Neiges cemetery.

Directly from an article on Mrs. Baxter:

"According to the story taught in school, in 1692 Madeline tricked a raiding party of Iroquois Indians into believing an unarmed stockade was heavily guarded. The Indians fled, an massacre was avoided and her family were given title to an entire county north east of Montreal that still bears the name Lanaudiere."

That's History with Kelly for this month, don't to forget to tune in next

Thank you for reading the March issue of Making Waves. Please send any
comments, questions or concerns to admin@back-to-titanic">admin@back-to-titanic! Please visit for a total Titanic experience!

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