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Today in Titanic History - with Searching
Today in
Titanic History

Tuesday, October 22, 2024
1886 - 1st class survivor Mr George Achilles Harder was born to Victor Achilles Harder and Minnie Mehl Harder in New York City, New York, USA.

1974 - 2nd class survivor Mrs Antonine Marie Mallet died in Paris, France at the age of 86.

1888 - 3rd class passenger Mr Nils Martin Ödahl was born to Ola Öhdal and Hanna Nilsson.

1887 - 3rd class passenger Mr René Aimé Lievens was born in Heldergem, Belgium.

1926 - Able Seaman and survivor Mr William Henry Lionel Weller died in a shipwreck at the age of 44.

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2001: September

In this month's issue:

*Monthly Stuff
*Site of the Month
*Scene of the Month: Arrival in New York
*Copal's Queue
*History With Kelly


*B2T News

Please take time to sign the petition for the Titanic Fan's Edition of Titanic! We all want to see the cut scenes, behind the scenes footage, and everything else that goes into director's cuts, but James Cameron has repeatedly said the theatrical release is Titanic's director's cut. Why not have a Fans' Edition? The more people who sign the petition, the more likely our voices will be heard. Go here to sign the petition:

Though updates have been negligible at best for months, new pictures were added to the Boarding the Titanic scenes in our Image Gallery. The notable changes are that Copal's Collection is combining with the B2T gallery and we are beginning to split the scenes into three categories: DVD captures, VHS captures, and scans. Many of the lower quality captures are being replaced with high quality DVD captures. We will be doing this to each scene as it gets updated. Next up: Attempting Suicide

*Titanic News

Kate Winslet and Jim Threapleton call it quits

Kate Winslet and Jim Threapleton have announced their separation.  The couple, which have been married for three years, have one daughter together, Mia Honey and it is expected that they will have joint custody of the child. Friends of the family have stated that their different career paths is the cause of their split.  Although a divorce has not been announced, both parties are said to be seeing lawyers.

Cameron's Next Production

James Cameron's production company has signed on to develop a live-action version of the comic book "Fathom."   The comic book is about a young woman whom wakes up to find that she has no memory of her life.  She then becomes a marine biologist and discovers a different race under the sea. 

DiCaprio to hit theaters in October.

Leonardo DiCaprio's long awaited film, Gangs of New York, will be hitting theaters on October 5.

Catchy Leo

Leo has signed onto "Catch Me if You Can," a movie about Frank Abagnale Jr. This movie is set to start filming in early January of 2002.  Now Steven Spielberg has signed on to direct the film and the studios are wooing Tom Hanks to play opposite DiCaprio.


Wallpaper by Copal

Quote: "It hits you like 1,000 knives stabbing you all over your body."

URL of this month's wallpaper:

Why Copal chose this quote:
This line was exactly how Second Officer Lightoller described being in the freezing water the night Titanic sank. Jack's dialogue is a reminder to all of us about the ending we know is coming in 3 hours. Jack doesn't think Rose will jump, but he adds in the factors she doesn't seem to have thought about. He puts pressure onto her, saying he'll be jumping in to save her, so that she will have a reason to come back other than saving herself. He's not looking forward to getting into the water, just like we are not eager to see the sinking. By the time the sinking comes around and people are in the water, we remember what Jack said about water that cold and how crippling it is. This way when we see people panicking and splashing senselessly, we understand the pain they are experiencing.


I would like to congratulate Marc from Titanic Domain, who is the proud recipient of an award plaque distinguishing his site as B2T's Site of the Month for September 2001. His site has been wonderfully re-designed over the past few months, with great content and graphics! Here is what Marc had to say:

Jen: What made you become interested in Titanic?

Marc: I have always been interested in architecture, particularly ships, and as you know, Titanic was one of the most beautiful ships ever. When I was browsing through a book fair in second grade, I saw a book on the Titanic and was drawn to it. The cover advertised something about "The Biggest and Best Ship of All!" I bought it, and read it before I got home. From that point on, I was enthralled in the ship's story and the people on her. In 1997 when the movie came out I became absolutely obsessed, I hung pictures of both the movie and the real ship all over my desk at school, on my locker and even my book bag. That leads up to today, where I am a virtual Titanic.

Jen: How long has your site been in existence?

Marc: The actual site has been in existence since 1998 when my friend and I got really into web design. For a long time, it was a nothing site with no content and about three pictures. It wasn't until this summer that I started updating again and adding graphics and a new layout. Most of the content has been added since then.

Jen: In your opinion, what is the best feature on your site?

Marc: Well, I like everything, but if I had to say... I would choose the graphics. On any site, I think any graphics are key. Anyone can have content about the movie, cast and the real ship, but the graphics are like the webmaster's (or webmistress's) signature or stamp on the site.

Jen: What advice would you like to give to other webmasters out there?

Marc: First of all, don't be afraid to ask. There are TONS of people out there who started out knowing nothing about web design, so they know how you feel if you can't get something right or don't know about something. Most will be happy to help out. Second, there are countless books and websites out there specifically to help you. Look around and be inquisitive. Lastly, be confident and feel proud of what you have done.

Visit Titanic Domain -

Become the Site of the Month! -


*Scene facts
1. The scene was originally written to have Cal and Rose meet each other on the deck. Rose told Cal that he was to tell everyone she is dead, or she will expose him. Both Billy and Kate thought that this was a bad ending, so they got Jim to rewrite it so that Cal never sees Rose.

2. Rose was originally written to walk off the Carpathia, and disappear into the crowds. Since the budget ran so high, this scene was cut due to the expense for having almost 1,000 extras and so forth brought to New York to film a 30 second clip.

3. The "Carpathia" was actually the Titanic set, but they rearranged the bow so it was not quite so apparent that it was the Titanic.

4. If there is ever a "director's cut" released, this scene may see the most revival, with shots of Ismay, and so forth on board the Carpathia. If you wish to see this "lost" footage, it made it onto the Titanic Explorer.

5. To see the Statue of Liberty from Rose's viewpoint, she would have had to be on land.

6. The Statue that Rose sees is not like the one she would have seen in 1912. It is the one you would see today, with the new torch. This was actually a miniature that was made...

Old Rose: "Afterward, the seven hundred people in the boats had nothing to do but wait... wait to die, wait to live, wait for an absolution that would never come."

Carpathia Steward: "You won't find any of your people down here, sir. It's all steerage."

Rose (cut dialogue): "Jewels are precious. Goodbye Mr. Hockley."

Old Rose (cut dialogue): "Can you exchange one life for another? A caterpillar turns into a butterfly. If a mindless insect can do it, why couldn't I? Was it any more unimaginable than the sinking of the Titanic?"

Rose in a lifeboat:

Cal searches for Rose:

The Carpathia at dawn:

Rose hiding from Cal:

Approaching the Carpathia:

Rose after being asked her name:

Rose holding the necklace

"Can I get your name please, love?"

"Dawson. Rose Dawson."

The Statue of Liberty


Wallpaper by Jen:


What seem like basic tools in Photoshop are more than they seem.

The Crop Tool:
On the tools menu, click on the top left box and hold down the mouse button. Several more tools will appear and the Crop Tool is the funky one at the end.

Open any image, select the Crop Tool, and click and drag just like with the Selection Tool. Instead of a dotted line, you get a solid box with small boxes in the corners and on the edges. These smaller boxes are handles, which you can drag in different directions. Once the box is where you want it, double-click inside the box, hit the "Enter" key, or right-click and click "Crop." All of the areas outside the box are cut off.

This is simple enough, but there's more you might not have noticed the Crop Tool can do.

Click and drag another box for cropping. Move your mouse outside the box and your cursor turns into a curved arrow. You can click and drag around the box and it turns. When pulling on the corner handles, hold down the "Control" key and the box keeps the same ratio (width to height). Hold down the "Control" key when you're turning the box and it will turn at 15 degree intervals.

It gets better. Maybe you want something you're cropping to be a specific size. Go to the Options tab in Photoshop (it appears under the menu in Photoshop 6). You can choose Aspect Ratio to make the width and height the same ratio as a box the dimensions you type.

When you choose Fixed Size on the dropdown menu, it offers width and height in pixels. Once you have those entered, you can click and drag a box on the image and it will stay with the same ratio. The difference from Aspect Ratio is that when you crop it, the cropped image will become the size you specified, not just the same ratio. So, if you input that you want a 90x100 image and your box is 545 wide, it will make it 90 wide x 100 high. *Footnote: In dimensions, the first number is the width and second is the height.

Cropping is particularly helpful when making Actions to remove the letter boxing (black lines) from widescreen captures.

Next time: Selections! including ellipses, rectangles, feathering, contracting, and expanding



The RMS Carpathia, launched on August 6th, 1912, was the ship that answered the Titanic's cries for help on that terrible night in 1912. The ship was built by Swan and Hunters, and serviced by the Cunard Line.

The Carpathia was 13, 555 gross tons and measured 164.58 x 19.65 meters in height. Her max speed was 14 knots. The Carpathia was a pretty nice ship, with good accommodations in even Third Class. The Third Class was also nice because of its size.

The Carpathia's maiden voyage was from Liverpool to New York to Queenstown on May 5, 1903. She continued on this run until winter time, then she had a winter run from Trieste to Fiume.

May, of 1904, the Carpathia returned to running from Liverpool to New York. She also continued her winter run. In 1905, she was redone, she could now hold 100 1st class, 200 2nd, and 2,250 3rd. In 1909, she ran her winter run year round, and only returned to Liverpool once a year for maintenance.

April 11th, 1912, the Carpathia was en route to New York. April 14, 1912, the Carpathia saw the distress signals coming from the Titanic, the wireless also received a message just before he shut down for the night. He had to wake up the captain for someone to take the message seriously. The Carpathia got to the site at 3:30-4:00 AM and at first they didn't see anything. Then, they spotted a small number of lifeboats holding 703 survivors. They reached a shocked New York on the 18th.

The Carpathia went back to service, and was torpedoed on July 17, 1918. Five men died.

Thank you for reading the September issue of Making Waves. Please send any comments, questions or concerns to! Please visit for a total Titanic experience!

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