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Today in Titanic History - with Searching
Today in
Titanic History

Tuesday, October 22, 2024
1886 - 1st class survivor Mr George Achilles Harder was born to Victor Achilles Harder and Minnie Mehl Harder in New York City, New York, USA.

1974 - 2nd class survivor Mrs Antonine Marie Mallet died in Paris, France at the age of 86.

1888 - 3rd class passenger Mr Nils Martin Ödahl was born to Ola Öhdal and Hanna Nilsson.

1887 - 3rd class passenger Mr René Aimé Lievens was born in Heldergem, Belgium.

1926 - Able Seaman and survivor Mr William Henry Lionel Weller died in a shipwreck at the age of 44.

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2001: October/November

In this month's issue:

*Monthly Stuff
*Titanic through History
*Scene of the Month: First Glance
*History with Kelly
*Never an Absolution
*Game of the Issue: Scramble


*B2T News

Instead of every month, Back to Titanic's newsletter Making Waves will now come out as double issues every other month. This will give the B2T staff more time to create jam-packed issues for a Titanic experience delivered to your email address.

There are three new scenes full of pictures in the Image Gallery since the last Making Waves issue. You will find "Attempting suicide" (Act I), "Flying" (Act II), and "Dropping the Heart" (Act III) with DVD captures, VHS captures, and scans.

Because of popular demand, we have new countdowns/ups including when Leo will turn 28, when Billy Zane will turn 35, and how many days have passed since Titanic was released in U.S. theaters. Check under the "Websites" section for the latest editions.

*Titanic News

Winslet-Mendes Relationship Spawns Speculation:
LONDON (Reuters) - Is "Titanic" star Kate Winslet just another notch on the casting couch of Oscar-winning director Sam Mendes?

Absolutely not, says the mother of the "American Beauty" director who has dated Cameron Diaz and Calista Flockhart and once said: "The idea of a marriage fills me with dread." The show business writers and agony aunts who queued up to analyze the breakup of Winslet's brief marriage to assistant director Jim Threapleton now breathlessly ask: "Could Winslet and Mendes be the next Kidman and Cruise?"

Amid the daily headlines about war in Afghanistan, Britain's tabloids have devoted acres of newsprint to the affair between the 35-year-old British director and the 26-year-old "English Rose." -- Paul Majendie

From AFI...With Love (and "Passion"):
When it comes to their next movie countdown, those list-happy folks at the American Film Institute (news - web sites) have gone looking for love in all the right--and wrong--places.

Some '80s classics are in contention, including Pretty in Pink, Say Anything, The Princess Bride and The Sure Thing, as well as the not-so-classic About Last Night and Valley Girl and the obscure Desert Hearts. More recent nominees include Titanic, As Good as It Gets, Never Been Kissed, My Best Friend's Wedding and, yes, There's Something About Mary.

Film Stars Gibson, Li Bring 'Invincible' to TV:
LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - After fighting tooth and nail on the screen in "Lethal Weapon 4", Hollywood great Mel Gibson and Hong Kong action star Jet Li struck up a friendship off the set.

And they also formed a partnership that resulted in the martial arts TV movie "Invincible" that will air on Sunday night (8 p.m. EST) on U.S. TV network TBS.

The movie stars Billy Zane, of "Titanic" fame, and is about a character named Os (Zane), a 2,000 year old dark angel "Shadowman" who kills for pleasure. In a moment of clarity, he switches to the good side and trains four young fighters to battle evil forces that threaten the existence of mankind and the Earth. -- Craig Reid


*Wallpaper by Copal

Quote: "Congratulations, Hockley. She's splendid."

URL of this month's wallpaper:

Why Copal chose this quote:
When Sir Cosmo Duff-Gordon told Cal that Rose was splendid, he said it as if she were a racehorse that only exists to prance around for Cal's pleasure. Though it was a brief moment in the movie, it strikes me as such a clear illustration of Rose's role of being seen and not heard. We get to hear what she cannot, what people say about her and not to her. Cal gladly takes the congratulations and proves Rose really is just a trophy for him.

Titanic boasted 4 elevators: 3 in first class and 1 in second class. She was the first ship to have an elevator for second class.

October / November

- Oct 1, 2000: James Cameron's show, Dark Angel aired for the first time
- Oct 4, 1994: Wreck of the Titanic exhibition opened in the National Maritime Museum in Greenwich, England
- Oct 5 1975: Kate Winslet was born in Reading, England to Roger and Sally Winslet
- Oct 11, 1935: The Olympic left Southampton for Inverkeithing in Scotland for demolition by Thomas Ward Company
- Oct 13, 2000: Kate Winslet became the proud mother of an 8 pound 9 ounce baby girl, Mia
- Oct 16, 1998: Kate Winslet's engagement to Jim Threapleton was announced
- Oct 17, 1937: Death of White star managing director Joseph Bruce Ismay
- Oct 20, 1910: Launch of Titanic's sister ship Olympic
- Oct 21, 1986: Declaration of Titanic as historic site by the RMS Titanic Maritime Memorial Act
- Oct 26, 1934: Newly formed Cunard-White Star Line, Limited, launches the Queen Mary
- Nov 1, 1997: Titanic makes its World Premiere in Tokyo, Japan
- Nov 11, 1974: Leonardo DiCaprio was born an only child
- Nov 18, 1997: Titanic premiered in England, London and the original Titanic soundtrack was released
- Nov 21, 1916: Sister ship, Britannic sank, with the loss of 22 lives, after hitting a mine near Kea Island, Greece.
- Nov 21, 1998: Kate Winslet and Jim Threapleton married in Kate's hometown. There were only 170 guests and the ceremony was very private.
- Nov 26, 2000: 7:00 PM EST, Titanic aired on NBC as part of the Thanksgiving sweeps in hopes of breaking records with the four hour epic

*Download of the Month


*Scene facts
1. The dogs that were walked past Tommy Ryan and Jack were chosen to represent dogs that were on the Titanic. John Jacob Astor owned an Airedale called "Kitty" and the French Bulldog was a champion show dog called "Gamin de Pycombe".

2. The large amount of dogs on the ship was due to a dog show that was to take place on Monday, April 15th on the ship.

3. Jack's drawing of Cora Cartmell and her father Bert was drawn by James Cameron.

4. Rose is positioned higher than and opposite of Jack, symbolizing the class difference. The characters are diametrically opposed - a first class woman had the greatest chance of surviving the sinking, a third class male the least.

5. Tommy Ryan was written as "a voice for the Irish emigrants."

6. Rose going out during the day without a hat would have been a faux pas during this time period for all ladies wore their hats during the daytime. Rose's original costume design for this scene included a dark-colored, wide-brimmed hat with a flurry of small red flowers around it. She does not have a hat in this scene for a reason, however. The original script was written to have Rose throw her hat overboard, her first in the symbolic shedding of her clothing throughout the movie. But to Cameron's horror, the hat that was designed for Rose looked like, according to Winslet, "a f***ing pizza." After a few attempts to redesign the hat, Cameron decided to let Rose go without.

"Do you make any money with yer drawings?" -- Tommy Ryan
"The ship is nice, no?" -- Fabrizio DeRossi
"I hope you're proud of yourself." -- Caledon Hockley (to Rose)
"Ah, forget it, boyo. You'd as like have angels fly out o' yer arse as get next to the likes o' her." -- Tommy Ryan



HISTORY WITH KELLY: Countess of Rothes

Name: Lucy Noël Martha Dyer-Edwards

Birth date: December 25, 1878

Location: Kensington, London

Died: September 12, 1956

Age: 77

On December 25, 1878 Lucy Noël Martha Dyer was born in Kensington, London. She didn't become the Countess of Rothes until April 19, 1900 when she married Norman Evelyn Leslie, the 19th Earl of Rothes. Before 1912, she had 2 children, Malcolm born in 1902 and John in 1909.

In 1912, the countess boarded the R.M.S. Titanic in Southampton with her cousin, Gladys Cherry, and maid, Roberta Maioni. She was on her way to Vancouver, B.C. to meet up with her husband. They planned to travel down the West Side of the U.S. from there. On the voyage, her and her cousin occupied cabin B-77.

On the night of the sinking, April 14, the countess and her cousin retired early for the night. A slight jar and then a grating noise at about quarter to 12 later awakened her. After much confusion, and the always-present lack of information, the countess, her cousin and her maid preceded to the A-deck with their life belts. They were rescued in lifeboat 8.

In the lifeboat, the countess ran the tiller for a while, but eventually went and tried to calm down a woman crying for her husband. Her lifeboat was one of them that were sailing for the lights, the lights that no one ever reached. Her maid also did some rowing in the later part of their voyage, and her cousin stayed in charge of the tiller until they were picked up.

The able-bodied-seaman in the boat, Tom Jones, was the only person in charge of 34 woman and a lifeboat; there were no higher personals. The countess says that he ran the ship very well. He later gave her the brass number off the lifeboat because he was very fond her, and the two of them kept in touch for years after that.

The countess’s husband died in March 1927, leaving a Will of £2,000. On December 22, 1927 she married Colonel Claude Macfie DSO in Chelsea, London. The countess passed away on September 12, 1956 in Hove, Sussex at the age of 77.


When I began my love affair with the movie Titanic, so much rang true in the fictional story of Jack and Rose. For me the wise words and layers of meaning have given me new discoveries to last for three years. Though I've thought my obsession might end at points along the way, there have been more things to draw me back every time.

However, a few lines from Old Rose's voice over didn't strike me as ringing true. As a dissolving montage of cold and weathered faces huddled in lifeboats appeared across the screen, she said that the survivors of the Titanic disaster had nothing to do but wait to live, wait to die, and wait for an absolution that would never come. It seemed to me that they had found their absolution in seeing the sun rising and the Carpathia welcoming them aboard. Perhaps some of them would find their absolution that they had survived once they got to shore or back home. Surely there would be an absolution for them all waiting somewhere down the road.

On September 11th of this year, four commercial airliners were purposely flown into the ground. Two struck the World Trade Center in New York, one hit the United States Pentagon, and another crashed into a field in Pennsylvania. These tragedies are known the world over now, just as the sinking of the Titanic would have been in 1912. In looking to the past on how I might cope with these horrific events, I remembered the line Old Rose spoke. I did not die in the terrorist attacks of September 11th, nor did anyone I know. With each day that passes we have the privilege of retrospect to see that no more terrorist attacks happened in the following days and weeks.

We live our lives with the belief that the unimaginable will not happen. In our risk assessment, it seems too unlikely that on her maiden voyage the grandest, most luxurious ocean liner would strike an iceberg and sink to the bottom of the Atlantic leaving more than half of her passengers without lifeboats or another ship close enough to save them. None of us would have believed the story had it appeared in a movie and not really happened. All of the doomsday fantasies and films, nor the architects of twin skyscrapers, could conceive of an airplane filled with jet fuel, flown by pilots intending to collide with such buildings. For that matter we couldn't imagine that so many people would accept a suicide mission. In both instances, it seemed that everything that could have gone wrong did.

Each of us, no matter where in the world we live, carry no assurances that we will live even a second longer. There is no absolute that we are going to see tomorrow or the next day, but by the same token we cannot be certain when we will die. Even inmates on death row don't know if they will be pardoned or somehow they will die before their set date. If you survived the sinking of the Titanic, how would you know that you wouldn't perish of the cold in a lifeboat? There was a survivor of the World Trade Center disaster on board a flight that crashed in New York a couple of months later, killing everyone aboard. There was no absolute that she had survived danger.

By living after September 11th, Jack's words to "make it count", encouraging us to make the most of what we have, are more of a mission for me than ever before. The unimaginable has happened, and it still can. The ship may sink. We don't know if we are waiting to live or waiting to die.

To making it count.


When you unscramble the letters in these words, they make a phrase said during Titanic.

1. 7 words: eel rothes soon tripe fan hi
2. 5 words: near, ekeid cyan joust
3. 4 words: stove name surf she rite
4. 4 words: dawn ia's this?

The answers will appear in the next issue.

Thank you for reading the October/November issue of Making Waves. Please send any comments, questions or concerns to admin@back-to-titanic ! Please visit for a total Titanic experience!

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