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Today in Titanic History - with Searching
Today in
Titanic History

Tuesday, October 22, 2024
1886 - 1st class survivor Mr George Achilles Harder was born to Victor Achilles Harder and Minnie Mehl Harder in New York City, New York, USA.

1974 - 2nd class survivor Mrs Antonine Marie Mallet died in Paris, France at the age of 86.

1888 - 3rd class passenger Mr Nils Martin Ödahl was born to Ola Öhdal and Hanna Nilsson.

1887 - 3rd class passenger Mr René Aimé Lievens was born in Heldergem, Belgium.

1926 - Able Seaman and survivor Mr William Henry Lionel Weller died in a shipwreck at the age of 44.

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2000: November

*Monthly Stuff
*Character of the Month
*Melting the Iceberg
*Copal's Queue
*Corey's Interviews
*Chicago Experience
*Site of the Month



*B2T News
We have started the "Character of the Month" now in lieu of the Graphic Set of the Month. Let us know what you think!

We also have added the "Site of the Month" as a monthly column to our newsletter. Send your sites in to be the first B2T Site of the Month!

Finally, Mark will be starting his own column in this month's issue. Read it below!

*Titanic News
On November 26th at 7 o'clock EST, Titanic will be airing on NBC. As part of the Thanksgiving sweeps NBC hopes to break records with the four hour airing of Titanic. However it is not known yet what scenes will be edited out, if any. There is also speculation of additional scenes being added as was with Jurassic Park and other movies that were shown on network TV for the first time as a way to bring in more viewers. Tune on NBC on the 26th to find out!

On October 12, Kate Winslet gave birth to her daughter Mia. Fox execs sent a $2,000 bouquet of flowers in the shape of the Titanic to the was promptly returned with a note from hubby Jim, stating that with luck Mia will not know of Titanic until she is in college. Fox execs promptly responded with a $5,000 gift of a camcorder, serving set and other gift items for Mia.

James Cameron and his new wife Suzy Amis (Lizzie Calvert) are expecting their first child sometime next year. The couple, who were married this past June fourth, just announced the good news.

This week the couple were spied dining in Santa Monica's Locanda del Lago where Gloria Stuart was reported to have been urging Cameron to "write a movie about an old lady in outer space," perhaps due to the rumours that are flying that Cameron has made a deal to go to the Mir space station.

Stuart whom just finished filming playing a 112 year old woman in Angela Lasbury's The Last Free Man, staled to run sometime next year on CBS.


*Wallpaper by Mark

Based on the quote: "I thought you said you were fast!"

Why I chose this quote?
I chose this quote because the words and actions in this scene not only represent Jack and Fabrizio's happiness and optimism to board such a luxury liner, but also the feelings of all the un-named passengers. It is a happy moment for all, never to be forgotten.

URL of this month's wallpaper:

*Rare Picture

*Fact of the Month
Only one of Titanic's 20 lifeboats were brought back to New York by the Carpathia after the sinking. They all disappeared from the docks in New York, since the demand for lifeboats was so great. They were probably repainted, and reused on other ships.

*Download of the Month
Molly Brown: "God Almighty"

*Titanic In November's History

November 21, 1916 -- Sister ship, Britannic sinks after hitting a mine near Kea Island, Greece.



We have shaken things up a bit and decided to make various of graphics each month on one character every month. This month's character was Molly Brown. We chose her because Molly was such a strong woman whom wasn't afraid to tell someone what she wanted. Enjoy the graphics and information!



*Kathy Bates' Biography
Kathleen "Kathy" Doyle-Bates was born on June 28, 1948 in Memphis Tennesee. Kathy Bates, in most viewers eyes, was the only actress capable of playing Molly Brown, and doing it well. And well she did - winning her a Blockbuster Entertainment Award for Best Supporting Actress in a Drama. Kathy's part was small, but her lines are some of the most memorable from the film. Titanic, however is just one of the many films Kathy has been in, racking up roles in more than 50 movies, not including television shows, Kathy is one of the most reconized stars of the century. From drama to comedy Kathy has done it all. She is also credited as "BoBo Bates" in earlier films.

Kathy grew up in Memphis Tennesee, graduating from the White Station High in town. From there Kathy went on to attend the Southern Methodist University with her major in Theater. After attending the University Kathy went on to filming shows and movies. Marrying actor Tony Campisi in 1991 they were divorced a short six years later in 1997.

Kathy touched base in television briefly, playing in "St. Elsewhere," "China Beach," "The Late Shift," (winning her a Golden Globe and an SAG award, nominated for an Emmy) and "3rd Rock from the Sun," (nominated for an Emmy). Kathy also played Miss Agatha "Aggie" Hannigan in the made for TV movie of Annie with fellow Titanic co-star Victor Garber (nominated for a Golden Globe, SAG award, Emmy).

Kathy prefered the silver screen, and her resume proves it. The following is the more notable roles of Kathy Bates. In Dick Tracy (1990) as Mrs. Green, in Misery (her first major role, earing her both a Golden Globe and an Oscar for Best Actress) (1990) as Annie Wilkes, in Fried Green Tomatoes (1991) as Evelyn Couch (nominated for a Golden Globe as well as a BAFTA award for Best Supporting Actress), in Prelude to a Kiss (1992) as Leah Blier, in Dolores Claiborne (1995) as Dolores Claiborne, in Angus (1995) as Meg, in Primary Colors (1998) as Libby Holden (won the Blockbuster Movie Award for Best Supporting Actress in a Drama, SAG Awards for Best Supporting Actress. Nominated for an Oscar, Golden Globe and BAFTA award. ) and in The Waterboy (1998) as Helen "Mama" Boucher (winning her a Best Supporting Actress Award in a Comedy).

Look for Kathy in the future in Bruno, Unconditional Love, Rat Race and Dragonfly... With this new batch of movies Ms. Bates is sure to add a new round of awards to her belt!


Part One
Uncovering the symbolism and meaning behind James Cameron's blockbuster.

Many are the untold stories of the legendary Titanic. Splendor and wealth. Optimism and tragedy. The release of James Cameron's 1997 Blockbuster Titanic soon sparked the imaginations of several authors, once again bringing the tragedy to our memories and, ultimately, to life.

We have now all been made aware of the tragic and heart-wrenching tales of survivors, and of the many rumours and myths surrounding the untimely disaster. But still, after learning of the historical aspects and real-life dramas aboard the liner, one fictional story still tears at our hearts like no other. That of Jack and Rose.

A trapped young socialite. A poverty-stricken artist. The foe who dared come between them, and the fate that tore them apart. This is the story of true freedom, the defiance of emotional slavery and the ultimate revenge of Mother Nature.

The symbolism Cameron has incorporated into his film has only added to the emotional depth and meaning behind the actions.

The first symbolism we see in the film is of the wreck. Naturally, the scenes contain a blue tinge, emphasising the thought of being underwater. However, the blue lighting also plays on the audience's emotions and senses. The sense most closely associated with blue is coldness. So, as an audience, we almost become one with the actors, experiencing the cold as though we are with them. Sadness and grief also is brought to mind the the color blue. This is a sad moment, where the audience laments over the wreck and the loss of lives.

It is all very well to give the scene a blue lighting, but the audience is still greatly distanced from the situation without an object to emotionally connect them in full with the mood. This is where the personal artifacts scattered around the wreck come into place. At first, we see only a great iron structure embedded within the sand. It is only a ship. When, in the next few scenes, the submarines cast light over several objects, such as a pair of glasses, boots, and the haunting presence of a doll's porcelain head, we as an audience realise that people were indeed aboard the ship. Real people. People who obviously suffered both emotionally and physically from the tragedy. And so, from the very first few scenes, we are brought into the story, experiencing emotions such as emphathy for the lost. This idea of destroying the distance between the characters and audience is a great factor that has led immensely to the success of Titanic.

The famed priceless diamond, the 'Heart of the Ocean' is likewise a significant connective device in the film. However, this artifact connects one character to another, at the same time connecting the past with the present.

When the treasure hunters come across the portrait of a young lady wearing the precious stone, we are introduced to the character of Rose, a 100 year old woman sitting in her home in Ojai. We see a vast collection of photographs and memoribilia, signifying that her past has a great importance in the film. This theory is justified when the old lady claims she herself is the woman in the portrait, wearing the diamond the hunters are seeking.

By introducing first the diamond, then connecting Rose with the discovery, Cameron has blended two different storylines, harmonising the jump between the two.
Thanks to all for taking the time to read this article, which will continue from where it left off in Making Waves: December 2000



Something I use a lot in Photoshop is Transform. This should not be confused with the filter "Render | 3D Transform." What I use is under the Edit menu. Make a selection, with or without feathering, or choose a layer. You cannot Transform the "Background" layer. To do this, duplicate that layer ("Layer | Duplicate Layer") and you'll get an exact copy that you can transform. If you are wanting to flip or rotate the entire image, every layer included, use "Image | Rotate Canvas."

Once you've made your choice, small grey boxes appear around your selection or layer. Here I call them handles.

Photoshop gives you these choices when Transforming:

  • Scale. Increase or decrease the size of a layer or just a selection. To keep the proportions equal, hold down the Shift key as you change the scale.

  • Rotate. To turn it 45 degrees at a time, hold down the Shift key as you turn the box.

  • Skew. I cannot even think of a reason to use this, but it makes the selection or layer into a parallelogram.

  • Distort. You may move the handles and they will move in most any direction. The best use for this has been to make the distorted edges of scans and cels level.

  • Perspective. This is the same as distort only it changes two sides at a time. You can also choose the edge of the transform box to make it appear to have a vanishing point above the box.

  • Numeric. The options here are used when you want something far more exact than you think you can make "freehand" by moving the mouse. It works the same as the choices by the same name only use can use percentages, increments in degrees, position by pixels, and so forth. Experiment with these since they may give you a more accurate transform.

  • Rotate 180; 90 CW; 90 CCW. The CW and CCW stand for "clockwise" and "counterclockwise" respectively. Ninety degrees is a quarter turn and 180 is a half turn.

  • Flip Horizontal; Flip Vertical. A horizontal flip switches top and bottom and a vertical flip changes from left to right.


    Be advised, when making seamless background or frames, do not use Transforming. If you do happen to want to scale, rotate, or flip anything, do it on another document. Then cut and paste from that document to the background you are making. When you use Offset after Transforming, the Offset filter will remember the coordinates of the selection or layer before it was transformed.



    This is the final installment of my interview with Nick!

    Nick, I have to ask this, were you there for the PCP incident? What really happened?

    You bet. Here's my version of the story (it's a little long):

    We were already a couple of days over schedule. Every morning I'd get back to my room and call my wife Monica in LA to explain why I wasn't coming home that day. Finally, we actually got to the last day of filming in Halifax, and we were all very excited to be finished and to get back home to our loved ones. I remember asking the production people about how I would get my airline ticket, my ride to the airport, etc.

    We were filming in the video room set that night. Around 2 A.M., we broke for "lunch", which was being served by our new caterers. The new folks were absolutely terrific, and had replaced a caterer that, frankly, was really no good. We all tucked into a delicious meal, and one that we thought would be our last in Halifax. I helped myself to everything they served, including a big bowl of delicious lobster chowder. I remember sitting at the table having an intense discussion about art and philosophy with Ed Marsh, the video documentarian, and a number of other cast and crew. Finally, they called "We're back," and we all got up to bus our tables. Upon standing, I noticed that I felt a little odd - sort of dizzy and detached. It felt a little bit like the dizziness you get when you're drunk or have the flu.

    I went out of the makeshift cafeteria and tracked down the set "medic". I told him I wasn't feeling 100% and wasn't sure why. As I was speaking, someone came running up behind me shouting that someone had just collapsed in the cafeteria. After that, all hell broke loose. I went back into the cafeteria, where Ed was filming the chaos. He sat me down and interviewed me for the camera; I wonder whether that got into the "making of" video?

    It wasn't long before it was clear that a medical emergency was underway. About a third of the cast and crew, me included, were wandering around experiencing various peculiar mental states, from euphoria to terror. In my case, the dizziness went away soon, and I was left with a feeling of very profound detachment and unreality, almost as if I was watching everything happen on a giant movie screen. Soon, the assistant directors were doing triage, separating those with symptoms from those without, and loading affected crew members onto vans for a trip to Halifax Hospital.

    Around 3:30 am, 80 of us descended on the hospital emergency room. I'm sure the staff there had never seen anything remotely like this. Jim joined his cameraman and other crew members for a kickline dance in the center of the waiting room. Bill Paxton rode with me on the van, but vanished very soon after we arrived at the hospital. He'd gone back to his hotel room to hang out. Two other crew members had found wheelchairs and were racing up and down the hallway. I found myself caring for a number of people who were having freakouts, helping them to ride the "trip" and reassuring them everything would be OK.

    I guess I was one of the most lucid there, because for some reason the doctor chose me to interview about my symptoms as he tried to figure out what was happening. His provisional diagnosis was some sort of neurotoxin in the shellfish we had all eaten. Since no one knew what dosage we had had, or how bad the effects could be, they began administering liquid charcoal in order to absorb any toxins let in our stomachs. I had one of the first doses. It looked, smelled, and tasted almost exactly like toner fluid. Yum!

    The story kind of peters out after that. Everyone got their charcoal, and we were loaded back onto the vans and driven back to the hotel. As I had done for the previous four days, I called Monica and told the most incredible story yet about why I wasn't flying home that day...

    Epilogue: About three weeks later, I received a letter from the Halifax police notifying me that the chowder had been analyzed, and was found to have contained traces of PCP. To the best of my knowledge, they still haven't caught the culprit, though everyone has their suspicions. So now, when the subject of illegal drugs comes up, I can always say, "Well, I've had PCP..." It usually gets a rise out of others.

    Wow, what a story! Lucky no one was seriously hurt! Those wheelchairs can be dangerous when operating them while under the influence! =) Did you expect such a huge success?

    Who could? The extent of the movie's success was a surprise to everyone involved, especially considering the negative press coverage Titanic had received during filming.

    Nick, what is your favorite scene to watch/least favorite to watch?

    Favorite scene: anything with me! Actually, I really like the look of the scene where the lifeboat returns to the wreck site and there's nothing but dead bodies, flashlight beams, black water, dark blue sky and stars. I think I'd rather not state my least favorite.

    So what is your favorite scene to film/ least favorite to film?

    I had the most fun filming a scene that was cut. In the original version, when Brock runs after Rose at the stern of the Keldysh, Buell, Bodine and Lizzy are in the scene as well. We all had reaction shots to Rose tossing the diamond off the stern. That was fun to film.

    My least favorite was also the hardest day; the first day of filming. We had two helicopters working, two full-size ships, something like six cameras, and nobody knew each other's names! It was a long, boring day for the actors, and we were little more than props. But, hey, that's show business.

    Nick, thank you for your time. Do you have any final thoughts?

    I feel blessed to have been a part of this picture. I'm thrilled that so many people have seen the film, and that so many love it so much. My thanks to Jim and Mali for getting me involved. And I never think of the film, the story, or the ship without also remembering the tragedy that happened and the innocent lives that were ended by the pride, vanity, and stupidity of a few powerful men.

    Thank you Nick for letting me interview you!



    Saturday-- July 22, 2000 (probably the best day of my whole life)

    The stupid phone was ringing at 7:30 (ugh) and Christina picked up the phone and slammed it down as two other alarms were ringing. What a way to wake up, LOL. We got up and somewhat hurried along to get ready. I finally got in and did a rush jon on my make-up and we ran down to the lobby where we were to meet everyone. In my haste to get there in time, I left my wallet in the hotel room, but I wouldn't discover that until later.

    We got to the lobby and met everyone, a few stragglers were slowly trickling down the elevator and finally Don came down. I really wasn't paying much attention so Christina had to point him out to me, since I had *sniff* slept through meeting him the night before. He seemed pretty quiet and hung back from the crowd. I began to wonder if he was going to be that quiet the whole time. I also figured that we were a bit intimidating...a crowd of Titanic Fanatics... =) I took a picture of Don as he posed with Judy and Jeff and I really thought he wasn't paying the least bit of attention, for I was on the opposite side of the lobby. I just wanted to snap a picture so I would remember the moment forever, but I didn't want to make a scene, or make Don any more uncomfortable than he already appeared to be. Of course when I get my pictures back he is staring right into the camera. Gee I am slick...

    We then began to take a more few posed pictures, Don with Judy and her son Jeff first, then the majority of the group we were with. It was really our first picture session and it was pretty neat. Then we decided to break off into our caravans that were going into Chicago. Judy was taking Don, Mary, and her son with her, and Christina (the driver who was petrified to drive in Chicago!) offered to drive her minivan and Craig was going to ride along with us.

    We pile into the van and pull around to follow Dan (AKA Axel). Then it seemed like something was a miss; Don, Judy, Jeff and Mary were still walking around the parking lot. I then rolled down the window and find out that Judy's Suburban will not start. So since there are four of them and four empty seats in our van...

    Christina grabbed my leg and her eyes were THIS BIG. Poor girl. She was bugging out about just driving us, now she was responsible for Don and Judy as well. I am proud; she kept her cool and drove really well. I feel like such a dork, but that was simply amazing to have him in the car with us... I know he is a normal person like you and me, but yet he isn't. To us he is someone really special. And the poor guy was squished on the back bench in the van and he is a TALL guy. I made a mental note to make him sit up front on the way home.

    On the way there he really opened up more and I really got to thinking that this trip was going to be more unbelievable than I thought. Don and Judy were talking about their experiences on the set, and he also told us the story about the lady that was a daughter of a survivor whom was a comedian and was taller than he was. She is still alive he said and smart as a whip. She was on the Lost Liners show, that was just aired recently. I remembered her from the show, so it was neat to be able to picture whom he was speaking about as well.

    After a slight sightseeing detour led by Axel, we arrived at the Museum safe and sound. We walked into the museum and were greeted with the sounds of people laughing and the melody of Blue Danube playing overhead. Since I was a slacker and did not purchase my conference early, I had to go to the other entrance and wait my turn. Luckily Jeff was with me so I wasn't the loner that I thought I was going to be. We stopped and looked at a big piece of the engines that was brought up and was in the process of being preserved, as well as some egg plates. I snapped a few pictures of both items, since I knew that picture taking would be forbidden in the exhibit. Then Jeff and I danced our way over to the area where we picked up our pre-purchased tickets and proceeded upstairs to enter the exhibit.

    Stay tuned next month to read my thoughts on the Chicago Exhibit!

    To view pictures of my trip go to:


    Hello, my name is Jen, and I am the webmaster of, well, the Webmaster Section of B2T! I'm introducing a new section to B2T that will hopefully become a hit with webmasters and their sites, seeing that Titanic is still very popular with fans (I wonder why!). Anyway, despite the fact that the webmaster section is still being worked on, I want to get the action going. Therefore, I'm introducing a "Site of the Month!" Any sites who want to be considered for the "Site of the Month" (which, by the way, will be featured in that month's Making Waves.) may apply by contacting me at and providing me your *Name, Email address, and Site URL*. The staff members and myself will then decide who to feature as the Site of the Month in Making Waves. Once we decide (this is based on site presentation, content, etc.) I will contact that webmaster by E-Mail, and interview them for the newsletter. Plus, you will receive a plaque for your site. How exciting! Basically, this is a award that the Webmaster Section is giving out to honor Titanic sites out there. But, only one site can win per month, so get those applications in so that we have time to judge! Best wishes, and good luck!


    That is all for this month's issue of Making Waves! See you next month!

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