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Today in Titanic History - with Searching
Today in
Titanic History

Tuesday, October 22, 2024
1886 - 1st class survivor Mr George Achilles Harder was born to Victor Achilles Harder and Minnie Mehl Harder in New York City, New York, USA.

1974 - 2nd class survivor Mrs Antonine Marie Mallet died in Paris, France at the age of 86.

1888 - 3rd class passenger Mr Nils Martin Ödahl was born to Ola Öhdal and Hanna Nilsson.

1887 - 3rd class passenger Mr René Aimé Lievens was born in Heldergem, Belgium.

1926 - Able Seaman and survivor Mr William Henry Lionel Weller died in a shipwreck at the age of 44.

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2001: May

In this month's issue:

*Monthly Stuff
*Character of the Month: Rose DeWitt Bukater
*Copal's Queue
*Corey's Interviews
*Titanic Experience: 20th Century Fox Studios in Australia


*B2T News
For the anniversary of Titanic sinking, we premiered our History section.
There you can read passenger bios, cargo manifest, Ismay's inquiry
testimony, a timeline of the sinking, and more.

For over a week our index page was showing an Error 401 (Permission
denied). It's fixed now, so stop by! Thanks to the folks who wrote to us
about the problem.

All year round you can find out what happened today in "Titanic history".
That includes the lives of the passengers and crew, the movie, the ship
herself, and the wreck. Some events show up during certain hours. It's
all a way to bring history to life, so check our Introduction page for it!

The Image Gallery now has The Official Copal Website's collection of
historical pictures. Visit the "Real" section of our Image Gallery for
over 100 rare and common pictures.

*Titanic News
Titanic Exhibit to Board May 3

One of the travelling artifact exhibits that is sponsored by RMS Titanic
Inc. will open May 3 in Nashville, Tennessee. The exhibit will be housed
the beautiful Opryland Hotel.

This exhibit has traveled all over the country, this particular exhibit has
been in Las Vegas Nevada and Cincinnati Ohio. This particular exhibit is a
host to over a hundred artifacts, the most prominent being the 'little big
piece' and Molly Brown's jewelry.

To purchase tickets for this exhibit please call your local Ticketmaster
times and prices.

Titanic Exhibit Docks in Union Station
From now until September 9 you can experience Titanic: The Exhibit at
City's Union Station. For more information visit,

The Titanic Wrecks Again

You just can't keep a good ship - up? On March 23 a semi overturned on US
50in Indiana that was transporting artifacts from the RMS Titanic Inc.
Exhibit in Cincinnati to the Exhibit in Nashville. The trailer was carrying
a display of artifacts along with the 'little big piece.' The 'little big
piece' is the largest fragment that is from the 'big piece' that was
up from the wreck site by RMSTI in 1998. The big piece is currently on
display at the Seattle Exhibit.

An Insurance representative for the transporting company came out and
the trailer until it could be removed on March 26. No items were reported
missing and no information has been released pertaining to the state of the
wrecked artifacts.

April Fools!

Southern FM, a radio station in Brighton reported that a fill size replica
of the Titanic would be sailing by the Sussex coast on Sunday afternoon.
Hundreds of people gathered on Beachy Head - a cliff that overlooks the
Sussex coast. When a 5 foot crack developed in the cliff officials had to
close the area and usher the observers away. The crack posed a serious
danger to the onlookers whom fell for the joke played on them. Angry
listeners called the station and demanded an apology which was aired on the
following day.

Titanic Momentos Go On Auction

Two collections are to go on auction this month from two passengers whom
took the short trip on Titanic from Southampton to Queentown. Together
collections are expected to fetch upwards of £70,000.

Stanley May, a fish merchant whom traveled First Class on Titanic,
many unusual Titanic momentos before disembarking from his short trip from
Southampton to Queenstown on the ill fated ship. His family is now offering
many of these momentos in the auction this month. They are expected to
upwards of £30,000.

One of the most coveted items of May's is a breakfast menu card that is
dated April 11, 1912 - two days before the Titanic sank. On the menu are
such dishes as boiled hominy, fresh herrings, sirloin steak, grilled
kidney and bacon, lamb collops and grilled ham. The menu is expected to go
for £12,000 or more. A book of White Star Line music that was played by
Wallace Hartley and his band on the voyage is estimated to go for around
£8,000. A postcard that May sent his daughter from the Titanic is expected
to go for $6,000. Another rare item, a butter dish that was most likely
taken from the restaurant, is expected to get a bid of £4,000 or more.

Father Francis M Brown, a priest most known for his photos taken on the
liner before his departure from the ship, also has two items up for auction
this month. The items, a pincushion in the shape of a Titanic lifeboat and
letter were both sent to his niece from on board the Titanic. Brown tells
his niece in the letter that the ship is 'lovely' and that 'I wish I were
going the whole way.' Together the items are expected to fetch around

I Wish the 'Titanic' Were Lying on the Bottom of the Ocean.

RMS Titanic Inc. recovered a suitcase last summer that belonged to 17 year
old Edgar Samuel Andrew whom was traveling to New Jersey via second class.
He originally held a ticket for the Oceanic but due to the coal strike he
ended up on the Titanic. He never made it to New Jersey. He perished on
the Titanic and his body was never recovered.

When RMS Titanic Inc. contacted Andrew's family to let them know about the
artifacts they had recovered and were surprised when his family showed them
a letter that he had wrote to Josey Cowan, a friend, two days before his
voyage on the Titanic. The letter reads:

"You figure, Josey, I had to leave on the 17th this (month) aboard the
"Oceanic", but due to the coal strike that steamer cannot depart, so I have
to go one week earlier on board the "Titanic". It really seems unbelievable
that I have to leave a few days before your arrival, but there's no help
it, I've got to go".

"You figure, Josey, I am boarding the greatest steamship in the world, but
don't really feel proud of it at all, right now I wish the 'Titanic' were
lying at the bottom of the ocean".

Andrew's suitcase and it's belongings (including schoolbooks, clothing and
letters) are being preserved so they can tour along with the other
in the various exhibits that RMS Titanic Inc. sponsors.

Winslet Embarrassed

Kate Winslet is said to be "honored but a slight bit embarrassed,"
to father, Roger about the newest addition to the small town of Reading,

The newest addition is the road "Winslet Place."

Deputy Mayor Tony Jones said, "The developers wanted to name the cul-de-sac
Lexington Crescent. That's such an anonymous name. I thought it would be
nice to honor one of our own by calling the street after Kate."

All 50 of the £130,000 houses in Winslet Place have been sold.

Leo's Marriage

Leonardo DiCaprio has been rumored to be engaged to his girlfriend, Gisele
Bunchden since last October. The rumor has been discounted by both but the
rumor continues on. Could it be that DiCaprio is trying to pull a fast one
on the press similar to his Titanic co-star Kate Winslet? Winslet managed
to avoid the paparazzi on her wedding day after keeping the engagement
secret for months and then sending out invitations with the incorrect date.
The latest rumor in regards to the DiCaprio/Bunchden wedding is that due to
a stipulation in her modeling contract, Gisele will not be able to marry
for five years. Reports have stated that Gisele is sporting a large
engagement ring but there are no pictures as of yet.

Winslet Wooed

Kate Winslet may be one of Hollywood's few stars still working after the
strike. One movie is already wooing Winslet to co-star in. ``The
Magician's Wife,'' with ''Red Violin'' helmer Francois Girard directing and
Geoffrey Rush already signed to star. This would be Winslet's second film
with Rush, the first with Girard.

Gangs of New York Wraps
Leonardo DiCaprio finished filming Gangs of New York on Good Friday.

Out of this World

Director James Cameron wishes to go out of this world with his next
adventure. Cameron is hoping to travel on the Russian Soyuz Rocket to the
International Space Station. He is hoping to get an understanding of what
the astronauts go through on a day-to-day basis in space. He is also
intending to film everything himself while in space. The Russians have
already deemed Cameron fit and capable to go into space. He originally had
the green light to begin his 18 month training process but in January the
plans were halted until NASA and the International Space Programs come up
with a program for nonprofessional space travelers.

New Cameron

James Cameron and new wife Suzy Amis whom met during filming of Titanic,
welcomed their first child into the world just four weeks ago. Nothing
has been released pertaining to the gender or name of the child as of yet.


Wallpaper by Mark

Quote: "His ideas on the male preoccupation with size might be of
particular interest to you..."

URL of this month's wallpaper:

Why chose this quote:
"Recently the ideas of Sigmund Freud have come back into commonplace talk.
Freud's beliefs have always been seen as enigmatic and lewd by society,
especially in today's times. Though living in a different era, Rose
understood that woman were not just powerless beings, and that men were not
the superior race. Freud seems to share this opinion."

*Titanic in May's History
May 1, 1891 - JJ Astor marries Ava Willing.

*Titanic Movie Fact of the Month
James Cameron carried Don Lynch's "Titanic: An Illustrated History" book
around with him throughout the filming of Titanic. He also took it on his
deep dive to the wreck.

*Titanic on TV this month
Date Time Channel Show
May 2 9:00 PM EST The Learning Channel Ultimate Ten: Technological
May 3 12:00 AM EST The Learning Channel Ultimate Ten: Technological
May 5 4:00 PM EST Odyssey Titanic (TV Movie 1996)
May 7 4:00 AM EST History Channel Great Ships: Ocean Liners

May 10 12:30 PM EST A&E NewsRadio: Sinking Ship
May 10 6:30 PM EST A&E NewsRadio: Sinking Ship
May 13 11:00 AM EST History Channel Ancient Mysteries


I would like to congratulate Rodsella Michelle from Titanic Portrait, who
the proud recipient of an award plaque distinguishing her site as B2T's
of the Month for May 2001. This site has wonderful content, beautiful
graphics, and a new and unique one-of-a-kind layout! Here is what Rodsella
had to say:

Jen: What made you become interested in Titanic?

Rodsella: It was long before the movie was released; when I heard there
making a movie about the famous ship. I would sit and tape as many things
about Titanic news were on. When it was released and I went to see it, it
was more than I expected, it was a masterpiece of the cinema.

Jen: How long has your site been in existence?

Rodsella: Titanic Portrait has been running since January 1999, when I
started with only a flying scene picture, and my favorite links. After that
the site have been changing in terms of layout, contents.

Jen: In your opinion, what is the best feature on your site?

Rodsella: The best feature of my site I think it would be the games;
especially Titanic Scene Connection Game, I wanted to have something new

Jen: What advice would you like to give to other webmasters out there?

Rodsella: My advice is that you have fun while doing the site, don't let it
get to you. Try different things like layout, ways to keep the visitors

Visit Titanic Portrait -

Become the Site of the Month! -


-It doesn't look any bigger than the Mauretania
-The difference between Cal's taste of art and mine is that I have some.
-Do you know of Dr. Freud Mr. Ismay? His ideas about the male's
preoccupation with size might be of particular interest to you.
-Don't come any closer! I'll let go!
-I trust you.
-Cal, stop! It was an accident!
-Is that the going rate for saving the woman you love?
-I know what you must be thinking - poor little rich girl - what does she
know about misery.
-And all the wile I feel as if I'm standing in the middle of a room
screaming at the top of my lungs and nobody looks up!
-You have a gift Jack, you do. You see people.
-Why can't I be like you Jack? Just head out for the horizon whenever I
feel like it. Say we'll go there sometime to that pier - even if we only
ever just talk about it.
-Jack! I can't do this!
-What? Think a First Class Girl can't drink?
-Oh stop it Mother, you'll give yourself a nosebleed.
-I changed my mind.
-I'm flying, Jack!
-I want you to draw me like one of your French Girls, wearing this.
ONLY this.
-To the stars!
-Put your hands on me Jack.
-When this ship docks, I'm getting off with you.
-I know, it doesn't make any sense - that's why I trust it.
-I saw the iceberg and I see it in your eyes. Please tell me the truth.
-You unimaginable bastard.
-I didn't, I just realized that I already knew.

When we first see her...
Climbing over the railing...
A Freudian slip...
All dressed up...
Partying in steerage...
Slapped by Cal...
Deciding her fate...
Another locked gate...




Desktop Theme:
This desktop theme includes:
1 wallpaper (800x600)
1 screensaver
1 cursor (normal state only)
7 icons
Extract the screensaver to: C:/WINDOWS/SYSTEM
Extract the cursors to a "rose" folder you create under: C:/WINDOWS/CURSORS
The icons and wallpaper may be extracted anywhere on your machine.
Exact locations may vary, but almost everyone who has Windows will be
extracting to the same places.

Programs I love

I figured you would all benefit from my endless searching for programs to
help in creating websites. Some of them are free, my favorite price.
Visit their websites if you have questions, since I don't know everything
there is to know about all of them.

This program is an easy way to manage your graphics/images. The latest
version includes Copying, Renaming, Moving, many ways of viewing (fit to
desktop, fit only big images to desktop, etc.), capturing, a few filters
and effects, rotating, resizing, adding text, cropping, and much more. As
complex as that sounds it's a pretty fast download and a quick install. I
use it whenever I'm looking through my images, finding out the dimensions,
and minor editing of images if it's not worth opening Photoshop just for
one thing. Something that's pretty special is that when you have the
"File | Open" dialog box open you can drag and drop the icons right into
Photoshop. Saves a little time.

FTP Explorer
When you're building your site with Geocities, Crosswinds, etc. you're
building through webpages. That means you don't only wait for your files
to upload, you're also waiting for each webpage (to tell you what you just
uploaded, to show you yet another banner ad and so on). Why not just go
in the "back way"? This would be known as FTP. Commonly used are WS_FTP
or CuteFTP for uploading to websites, but I prefer FTP Explorer by far.
You can keep profiles so you don't need to enter your password again and
again. Uploading is as simple as hitting the upward pointing arrow and
selecting the files. It's very intuitive. To upload multiple files, hold
down the Ctrl key as you select the files. Excellent for faster uploads
and fast login.

Photoshop (from Adobe)
Hands down the very best graphics/photo manipulation program in the world.
If you ever want to make money making websites or doing graphic design,
Photosop will be the thing they want you to know. Learn everything you
can, see every tutorial you can find online.
A few hundred dollars - Far from free

This program can make icons and cursors from your bitmaps, gifs (opaque
and transparent), and freehand designs. Not everything about this is easy
to figure out, but after a bit you will be able to navigate your way
around. I've enjoyed using it a lot.

This one might seem like a no-brainer, but I think it's necessary to tell
everyone to download WinZip. If you have this program you can easily
compress files when sending multiple/large files. Nearly every site out
there has zip files to download and without WinZip you are out of the
loop. This includes many of the sites offer the programs I've listed
Free trial version

I've always avoided HTML editors like FrontPage and Dreamweaver, but this
is not one of those. Homesite cuts way down on the repetitive parts of
formatting with HTML. You can highlight entire pages of text and get
break tags added in automatically. Imagine! Think of Homesite as being
the involuntary part of your brain (the part that controls things like
your digestion, breathing, and heartbeat) so that you are free to do the
more interesting things. Homesite will free you up to work on your dHTML,
Javascript, and even JSP skills. It just goes on and on. Worth actual
$99 (packaged) or $89 (electronic)


This is my final installment of my interview with Gary Young whom worked on
the digital effects for Titanic.

Were you interested in Titanic prior to your job?

Not really but the more I got involved with the research the more intrigued
I became with the incident and the ships history. We worked directly with
Titanic expert Ken Marshall who would tell us if something didn't look

How did you get the job?

I was already working for Don in 1995. We were informed about the job in
December 1995 and started in February of 1996.

How would you have stopped the ship from sinking? What would you have done
to save yourself?

Taken a 5000lb kit of self-expanding rigid foam. Sold my ticket!!!

Did you see the movie in the theaters?

Yes, in my hometown.

Favorite/Least Favorite scene(s)?

Not to sound selfish, but our ship breaking in half and sinking. My least
favorite would have to be the dancing sequence. I understand it's all
character development but it dragged the already epic long film.

What scene was the most interesting to make? What one was the

The Boat splitting in half. The hardest? The same scene.

Do you have any regrets?

I wish I had made some sort of log or journal of this experience but
sleeping and eating became a priority.

Would you sail on the Titanic 2?


Thank you for reading the May issue of Making Waves. Please send any comments, questions or concerns to admin@back-to-titanic ! Please visit for a total Titanic experience!

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