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Today in Titanic History - with Searching
Today in
Titanic History

Tuesday, October 22, 2024
1886 - 1st class survivor Mr George Achilles Harder was born to Victor Achilles Harder and Minnie Mehl Harder in New York City, New York, USA.

1974 - 2nd class survivor Mrs Antonine Marie Mallet died in Paris, France at the age of 86.

1888 - 3rd class passenger Mr Nils Martin Ödahl was born to Ola Öhdal and Hanna Nilsson.

1887 - 3rd class passenger Mr René Aimé Lievens was born in Heldergem, Belgium.

1926 - Able Seaman and survivor Mr William Henry Lionel Weller died in a shipwreck at the age of 44.

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2000: May


Graphic sets

Copal's Inspection Queue

Corey's interviews

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Book review


I can tell you that there are a lot of things happening on Back to Titanic. There are probably a few sections popping up soon, so stay tuned. If you haven't seen our Downloads section yet, check it out! We have wallpapers, winamp skins, and hot bars, and this section is growing frequently. We have added a more user-friendly chatroom to the Interaction section. We hope that you will check it out =) You should also take a look in the Image Gallery. It has new pictures and more coming! The B2T section has now premiered "The history of B2T" in honor of our 1 year anniversary. Read it and find out just how we got here.

Be sure to check out the graphic sets, and don't miss Copal's Inspection Queue. Need a book to read? Take a look at Corey's review of "Titanic: The Long Night." Read the interview with Jeff DiSario in the April issue? Well, now you can read the rest of it... We hope you enjoy the May issue...


"This is where we first met!"

1. There were 26 copies of the swimming dress due to the extreme conditions it was put through.
2. It was originally written to have Lovejoy falling into the crack, and this was even filmed, but was eventually cut.
3. When Rose runs into Jack's arms after jumping out of the lifeboat scene, Leo asked this scene to be shot one time "for the actors." When they shot it the last time, Leo then lifted Kate up in to the air, and let all his emotions out. This ended up becoming the scene used.
4. The glass dome explosion was filmed 12/21/96, and cost was $500,000. This was the last scene shot before the cast went on a 5 week break.
5. The first class dining saloon and the Grand Staircase were built on a hydraulic unit so that they could be submerged at different angles at different times.
6. The stern section of the ship weighed 1.3 million tons.
7. These scenes were filmed 3/6/97-3/12/97 and were the most expensive filming days in motion picture history.
8. A man falls from the poop deck, hitting the bronze hub of the starboard propeller - This propeller was made out of foam, as were the other objects the falling passengers "struck."
9. The full size set could only be tilted by splitting it in half. Two pieces of footage were composited to give the impression of the full ship sinking into the water.


Diamond Background

For all those webmasters who are bored with their seamless backgrounds and think it's high time for something different, I've got your answer. A diamond background. This article will show you how to make this background in particular:
It's highly simplified, so make this one first and mess around with it all you like.

1. Open an image file, anything that's larger than 200x200 pixels. Duplicate the background layer (by default it will be named "Background copy"). Delete the background layer, leaving just its copy.

2. Select the "Cropping Tool" and double-click on it. The options on the right will appear. Check the box beside "Fixed Target Size" and enter 200 pixels by 200 pixels at 72 pixels/inch. Crop your image.

3. Go to "Image | Rotate Canvas" and select 45 degrees (CW or CCW doesn't matter).

4. Duplicate that layer. For either layer, go to "Edit | Transform | Rotate 180."

5. Go to "Filter | Offset" and "Wrap Around" the second layer. (See Seamless Backgrounds for more information on Offsetting)

You may need to put in a background color ("Layer | New | Background" and the background color will become your background) if the seams don't match perfectly, but just find something that won't be too obvious.

Stretch it into more of a diamond shape by going to "Image | Image Size," deselect the "Constrain Aspect Ratio" box and make the height 5-15 pixels bigger. If you want it to be wider rather than longer, simply increase the width instead.

One of the things you might try is making more than two diamonds before it repeats. If you'd like to do this add "Image | Canvas Size" and make sure you're adding 200, 300, 400, etc. percent of the height and/or width.

The next issue will include how to make this background:


This continues the interview in the previous issue with Jeff DiSario!

11. What is the first question you are asked when someone finds out you were on Titanic?
The very first question is "What did you do?" Then, if it is a teenage girl who is asking, the next question is "Did you meet Leo?" However, usually people will ask what it was like working on that film, or how I got the job, or they want to know how certain shots were accomplished. Then they usually will ask if I have any pictures from the shop or of the models.
12. Did you keep your crew jacket?
I'm disappointed, but I didn't get a crew jacket. I got a hat, and a couple of sweatshirts and a tee shirt, but no jacket. I must have been out on the day that they were ordering them, or maybe they were only offered to the digital effects crew. I'm not sure. If anyone knows how I can go about placing a late order, let me know! LOL
13. How did you GET the job?
I was on an interview with Sony Pictures Imageworks when they were gearing up for Stuart Little. The person interviewing me was older than I was and obviously worked there for some time. She asked me the same question, but the emphasis was more on YOU rather than GET. She looked over my portfolio, then at my work from Titanic, then looked at me (I was 27 - 28 at the time) and she quite frankly sneered, "So how did YOU get to work on Titanic?" I suppose she was bitter since Imageworks was one of the very few effects houses that didn't get to work on any of the shots for the film. I just smiled and said, "Because I'm good." However, I will give you a less sarcastic answer. I had sent Digital domain a portfolio and resume. I called for 4 months to follow up. I finally just moved on and forgot about them. Then a few months later I got a call from the model shop crew chief
for Digital Domain. He explained that he had my resume, and wanted to talk to me about working with them on a James Cameron film about the Titanic. My first thought was, "Who's going to go see this film? We know how it ends, it sinks right?" However, Digital Domain is rivaled only by Industrial Light and Magic and James Cameron is one of this town's major players when it comes to making movies, so I instantly agreed to go for the interview. It's not as though I was in a position to turn down an offer to work on a big Hollywood film. Thank God I didn't. It was a fantastic experience.
14. Were you interested in Titanic before the movie deal?
I was interested somewhat. But I would have to say much more now that I have been a part of this production, and learned, in depth, the details of this event.
15. What have you done before Titanic that is worth mentioning?
What do you consider, "worth mentioning?" I mean almost everything pales next to a project the scale of Titanic. I've worked on several commercials and PSAs as a lighting technician, gaffer, and grip. However, since Titanic I have transitioned to the digital software that produces today's magic. I currently work for a big Internet company creating interactive animations and graphics that are updated weekly. I've also started my own business developing graphics, interactive Flash media, websites, and any digital rendering or animation that a client may need. I work long hours each week
in the digital creating and animation arena here in Los Angeles. There is a huge market for this, and not enough people who can do it effectively. Besides, it is my passion and I have fun doing it. After all, that's what life's about right?
16. If you could meet anyone that was on the actual SHIP whom would you talk to and why?
I think the Captain and Bruce Ismay. I would just like to know what they were thinking when they decided to take a brand new ship that hadn't been extensively tested, and then run it through an ice field at full speed in pitch darkness. Don't forget, there was no such thing as sonar or radar in those days. Even ships the size of aircraft carriers don't do that today. The argument that everyone thought the ship was unsinkable only goes so far. The human body is an amazing engineering feat, but you know better than to run through a room full of furniture late at night with the lights off. If you DON'T know better than that, you just may be qualified to be on the
Titanic's crew.
17. If you could sail on the new Titanic would you?
I think I would, but I will wait until its second trip just to be sure I miss any strange coincidences that may be attached to the name.
18. Would you go down to the wreck?
Absolutely. I think that would be an awesome sight. From what I have seen of the footage of the wreck, it still looks majestic and proud, even in the state its in at the bottom of the ocean.
19. If you were ON the Titanic, what would you have done to save yourself?
I think I would have followed the cook's lead and drank myself into an
absolute stupor, jumped in the water and hope for the best. It worked for him. The extreme amounts of alcohol in his blood, kept it from freezing. This is NOT to promote drinking, or advocate why excessive drinking is "good for you."
20. If you could change ONE thing in the movie, what would it be?
Get my name in the damn credits. There were so many people that they had to leave many out who worked on the effects.
21. Favorite scene? Least Favorite?
My favorite scene is the "take her to sea" scene where we got to show off a little. I can't think of a scene that I don't like too much.
22. Final thoughts?
Wow, its 3:00am?


"I didn't. I just realized I already knew..."

Copal choose this quote because:
"The idea that Jack could betray her by stealing the necklace must have been shattering to Rose. But in believing it, she was forgetting what she knew: that Cal was capable of doing anything to get his way. She thought her judgement was flawed to the point of being conned by the only person she truly trusted. In that moment of clarity on deck when she sees Cal as the unimaginable bastard that he is, she also realizes she has to trust what her heart tells her more than what Ruth's and Cal's world presents to her as reality. In answering
Jack's line 'How did you know I didn't do it?' with 'I didn't, I just realized I already knew,' she let him know that she had more faith in him and what she felt than anything else."


Rare picture

The realism of the film Titanic extends beyond steel, rivets, and other physical elements of the set. Affecting period mannerism was essential to creating an authentic atmosphere. The actors and the extras were taught how to sit, eat, and speak in perfect Edwardian style. A video of Titanic etiquette was repeated on a loop in the production's wardrobe building.


"Titanic: The Long Night"
By: Diane Hoh

If you loved James Cameron's Titanic, you will love this story. This story will pull at your heartstrings, and you will be crying by the end of this magnificent tale. Our journey follows two teenage girls, Elizabeth and Katherine. Elizabeth is traveling on the Titanic in first class with both her mother and father. Elizabeth is desperately fighting for a chance to go to school before marrying. Her parents are not agreeable to Elizabeth's wishes, and are quite adamant that Elizabeth will follow the path they have set for her, which is debut, and then to marry her betrothed, Alan.

Katherine is an Irish girl, leaving her home country in hopes of becoming a singing star. Her two friends, Patrick ("Paddy") and Brian are traveling with her. Paddy is not sure what he will do, but Brian is set on becoming a farmer. Although Paddy does not realize this, Katherine secretly has a crush on him, but is passing it off, since Paddy had broken many hearts back in their hometown.

Elizabeth while boarding runs into a steerage passenger and helps him to his correct placement below decks. Later that evening at dinner, Elizabeth is shocked when her father introduces Max as his friend's son. Quickly, Max and Elizabeth start a romance that defies all odds.

Meanwhile, Paddy is growing angrier and angrier at his brother, whom is spending time with another young lady. Paddy is under the assumption that Brian and Katherine are a couple, but neither of them realize this, and are confused by Paddy's anger. In a show of defiance against the gawking first class ladies whom have came down on a tour of the ship, Paddy grabs Katherine, and kisses her with a fierce passion. Katherine is left breathless.

Elizabeth watches on as Paddy kisses Katherine, and it reminds her of her forbidden love, Max. Even though Max was a member of their class, his parents have disowned him, and therefore he is virtually penniless, the only reason he was on the Titanic was due to a generous gift from his grandmother.

Who will live? Who will die? Who will end up together, and who will have to say goodbye? Read the story to find out!

Question, comments, ideas are appreciated. Email
We look forward to the June issue and hope you are too!

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