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Today in Titanic History - with Searching
Today in
Titanic History

Tuesday, October 22, 2024
1886 - 1st class survivor Mr George Achilles Harder was born to Victor Achilles Harder and Minnie Mehl Harder in New York City, New York, USA.

1974 - 2nd class survivor Mrs Antonine Marie Mallet died in Paris, France at the age of 86.

1888 - 3rd class passenger Mr Nils Martin Ödahl was born to Ola Öhdal and Hanna Nilsson.

1887 - 3rd class passenger Mr René Aimé Lievens was born in Heldergem, Belgium.

1926 - Able Seaman and survivor Mr William Henry Lionel Weller died in a shipwreck at the age of 44.

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2001: June

In this month's issue:

*Monthly Stuff
*Site of the Month
*Character of the Month: Lewis Bodine
*Copal's Queue
*Guide to eBay
*History With Kelly


*B2T News

Please take time to sign the petition for the Titanic Fan's Edition of Titanic! We all want to see the cut scenes, behind the scenes footage, and everything else that goes into director's cuts, but James Cameron has repeatedly said the theatrical release is Titanic's director's cut. Why not have a Fans' Edition? The more people who sign the petition, the more likely our voices will be heard. Go here to sign the petition:

*Titanic News

Carol Cameron

James Cameron and wife Suzy Amis gave birth to a daughter in March 2001. Reporters are saying that they gave birth to a little girl and named her Carol.

Titanic DVD

Rumor has it that there is a new Titanic DVD in the works. This new edition is slated to be released for Christmas sales and will contain "supplemental" footage.

Cameron Dives Again

James Cameron will be teaming up with Jean-Michel Cousteau to produce a series of undersea exploration shows for ABC next fall. The series has been signed on for three years as the show follows a crew whom will go around the world exploring various famous wreck sites. The first site to be explored will be Titanic.

DNA Testing Attempted

In the past few years, three sets of families have come to believe that their loved ones may be buried in unmarked graves in Halifax Nova Scotia. With the recent developments in DNA testing, scientists partially exhumed three bodies, known as Number 4, Number 240 and number 281. They were bodies of a two-year-old baby boy, a young man, and a thirty year old woman.

According to "Encyclopedia Titanica" the bodies are described as such:

CLOTHING - Grey coat with fur on collar and cuffs; brown serge frock;
Petticoat; flannel garment; pink woolen singlet; brown shoes and

"NO. 240. - MALE. - ESTIMATED AGE, 24. - HAIR, DARK.
CLOTHING - Grey overcoat; blue serge suit; white sweater.
EFFECTS - One pipe; key; silver watch and chain; £1 5s. in purse.

CLOTHING - Black coat; blue skirt; red jersey; green blouse; woolen
singlet; grey underskirt; black boots and stockings.
EFFECTS - $26.00.

After extensive testing on Friday May 18, only body number 4 had sufficent DNA left to do testing with. Numbers 240 and 281 did not have enough DNA left to do any testing with. Number 4's testing could take up to six months to be conclusive.

Titanic Movie Park

On Sunday, May 27th, 2001 FOX opened a new park, "Foxplorations" in Rosarito, Mexico where Titanic was filmed. The new park is an interactive museum on the making of Titanic.

At the new park visitors can tour the sets from the movie, see how some special effects were created and learn inside info from the many Titanic Extras whom are now employed as tour guides.

Other movies are also featured here including X-Men, Anna and the King and Pearl Harbor.

Catchy Leo

Leo has signed onto "Catch Me if You Can," a movie about Frank Abagnale Jr. This movie is set to start filming in March of 2002.


Wallpaper by Guinastasia

Quote: "Like that Russian babe, Anesthia"

URL of this month's wallpaper:

Why Guinastasia chose this quote:
I have been fascinated with the Imperial Russian family ever since I saw the Fox movie Anastasia in 1997. Anastasia, the most famous member of the family-was said to have survived the massacre-although later DNA tests proved that the most famous claimant, Anna Anderson-was not the Grand Duchess. Since June will be the 100th Anniversary of the REAL Anastasia's birth, I decided to honor her along with Titanic this month, combining two of my favorite subjects-Titanic and the Romanovs. The animated movie, Anastasia, also was released shortly before Titanic. If you liked Titanic-I think you'll also like this one.


I would like to congratulate Trisha from Trisha's Titanic Page, who is the proud recipient of an award plaque distinguishing her site as B2T's Site of the Month for June 2001. Her site has beautiful graphics, a breath-taking layout, and many things to see and do! Here is what Trisha had to say:

Jen: What made you become interested in Titanic?

Trisha: I have been interested in Titanic ever since I was a little girl (7 or 8). I remember hearing stories about the great ship and the tragedy that occurred many years ago. When the James Cameron's movie came out in 97, it made me that much more interested and intrigued by those who boarded the ship. The movie became very memorable for me, due to that it was the movie me and my hubby saw on our first date.

Jen: How long has your site been in existence?

Trisha: My site has been in existence for over 2 years now. The date it opened it's pages to the world was Mar. 3, 1999. It has certainly came along way since that time.

Jen: In your opinion, what is the best feature on your site?

Trisha: Hmmm, that's a hard question, lol. I would have to say my "Fun & Games" section. I constantly keep the games updated and I try to keep the content fresh. Reason for this is that most Titanic sites have about the same features, I wanted to change that and give the visitor(s) more variety.

Jen: What advice would you like to give to other webmasters out there?

Trisha: Never be afraid to experiment and try out new ideas. In addition, never get discouraged by the difficulty presented in creating and maintaining a site. There are always tutorials and fellow webmasters out there to help you.

Visit Trisha's Titanic Page -

Become the Site of the Month! -


"You are so full of shit, boss." [Scene 6]
"Cha-ching!" [Scene 14]
"You know, boss, this happened to Geraldo and his career never recovered." [Scene 14]
"Like that Anesthesia babe." [Scene 21]
"Okay, so she's a very old goddamn liar." [Scene 21]
"If your grandma is who she says she is, she was wearing the necklace the day the Titanic sank." [Scene 28]
"...punching holes like morse code...dit, dit, dit... along the side." [Scene 29]
"So let me get this straight. You were gonna kill yourself by jumping off the Titanic?" [Scene 64 (cut)]
"There's Smith, he's standing there with the iceberg warning in his fucking hand...excuse me, his hand, and he's ordering more speed." [Scene 97]
"What happened next?" [Scene 101]
"We never found anything on Jack. There's no record of him at all." [Scene 286]
"Rush her." [Scene 289 (cut)]





I was recently introduced to "Actions" and my life hasn't been the same since. Something that has always hindered my ability to post pictures quickly is making thumbnails. Call me an idiot, but I've been making all of them in Photoshop step-by-step. Actions are the answer when you're sitting there doing something repetitive in Photoshop. I'll use making thumbnails as my example.

The thumbnails I make are a max of 80 pixels high and a max of 80 pixels wide. I Sharpen (with the Sharpen filter) them to make them clearer when they're reduced, and then I decrease the number of colors to 8-24 colors. Actions work like a VCR (you know, that archaic machine we used to watch movies in the stone age). In Photoshop, go to "View" and choose "Show Actions". That way the Actions tab will come to the front, no matter where you have it. In the bottom of that little dialog box are buttons just like you find on your VCR. Press the little piece of paper (between the buttons and the trash can in that dialog box) to make a new action. Open an image. Press the circle, or record button, (it will turn red) and go about the steps you always do to make a thumbnail. When you're done, click the stop button (it has a square on it). Open another image and press play (a triangle pointing to the right). It does exactly what you did with the last image. Neat huh? Keep in mind that the action will do EXACTLY what you did with the last image.

Since some images are tall or wide, I have two identical actions with the exception of when I change the image size, one makes the height 80 and the other make the width 80. To make a lot of thumbnails, you can just open a bunch (I open all the ones that need to be 80 high or 80 wide at once) and just keep pressing play. You can even save the files to a certain directory (another one when making thumbnails) and close them.

If you don't want to do one or more steps, there are little checkboxes by each step you take. Uncheck the ones you don't want to use. Actions that don't have all of the steps enabled will have red checks. There are also little triangles by the action title or folder of actions. You can click these to expand or collapse the actions (as in viewing the steps or just the title).

Another great application for "Actions" is wide screen captures from DVDs or videos. Since these are uniform images, you can crop the same way on multiple images. This is just the beginning, I'm sure. This has been such a revelation for me that I had to share the knowledge.


The world over, people are familiar with eBay, the online auction house. While Yahoo, MSN, Amazon, and other such sites have auctions, to which most of what I'm about to say will pertain, I'm choosing to focus on eBay. I have lost, and still lose, plenty of auctions, but now it's because I'm not willing to pay so much rather than my own mistakes.

If you're new to eBay, sign up and register before you find something you can't live without. They will require a credit card (so they have some recourse if you place bids fraudulently), but you can also use a debit card, so long as it has a major credit card logo on it, such as MasterCard or Visa. If you have any concerns about this, read their in Help section about why eBay is safe(

As with all categories of collecting on eBay, you need to check the listings often. The more specific your search is, the shorter amount of time it will take to skim over the listings. To narrow your search, you can have a long list of search criteria.

Here's an example:
titanic (35mm,70mm,cell,cel,trailer,trailor)

That would translate to anything with the word Titanic in it plus 35mm OR 70mm OR cell OR cel OR trailer OR trailor but don't include anything with star, wars, dvd, cd-rom, laserdisc, game, vhs, or cdrom. That gives me a specific output for my search. If you want more options, use their search tips (

Always (always!) search title and description. People are known to misspell things in titles, so if they spell it right anywhere else in the listing, you'll find it. These can be great auctions because your competition (other bidders) won't find them and the price will be lower. Who wants to type all that every time though? Something eBay has come up with is Favorite Searches. Do your search and scroll to the bottom of the page. Click "Save this Search" and it goes into your Favorite Searches. You can come back here by logging into My eBay and clicking the Favorites

Know what you're looking for and know how much it's gone for in the past. Next to the search button is a link to "Show Completed Items". See if a similar item was sold recently, how much it went for, and how many bids were placed. At this point, you should search for "titanic" at Yahoo, Amazon, and any other auction sites you can find. The smaller sites are a buyer's market since not as many people frequent their listings.

Sometimes you will find the same item you were looking for on eBay for a lot less. If given a chance, search their completed listings too. This will not take very long since Yahoo usually has maybe five pages of "titanic" items. When you're looking at over 60 pages of Titanic items, you ought to skim a couple pages of items that are about to close and then go to the newly listed items.

With eBay's Buy It Now and Yahoo's Buy It Price, you will miss out on a lot of listings if you wait to see what's closing in the next few days. Buy It Now means that if you're willing to pay a set price, you don't have to wait until the auction ends. For example, you might find a necklace listed at $15 dollars with a Buy It Now of $40. If you have looked at previous listings and saw similarly rare and quality necklaces for $50, you should use the Buy It Now so you don't have to end up paying $50 when the auction ends. Beware that sellers will use random numbers as their Buy It Now price. Make sure that you've looked over the other listings and past listings to make sure you aren't paying way more than you need to.

Click on those "mystery meat" titles. Too many times I've seen auctions titled "Titanic" and nothing more. Usually this is Titanic on VHS, but other times it's scale models, images, displays, and more. These go under many people's radar, so you're much more likely to win. Watch auctions, don't bid. Yahoo and eBay allow you to watch auctions without bidding on them. The main purpose of this is not to show your hand too early. If you see something listed for $9.99 and you're willing to pay $30 for it, watch it and bid in the last few minutes of the auction. That's right, I said minutes. Often when people skim the listing, they're more likely to check something out if someone has already bid. If while you're watching it, it goes above $30, kiss it goodbye. Otherwise, you can go back to the listing, look at the picture longingly, and decide if you are willing to pay more. You might be curious as to what it will go for and you have the option to watch it to the very end. But you really shouldn't torture yourself needlessly.

Look for online stores selling the item you're looking for. At Back to Titanic, we've done a lot of the searching for you in our Merchandise section. If you don't find it there, you can do extra searching on your own. A great example of the benefits of searching online stores is Ardleigh-Elliot's Titanic music boxes. The premiere issue of these eight music boxes plays "My Heart Will Go On" and can be bought at for $34.95 and sell for under $25 at eBay. The second issue, which plays Southampton, goes for $34.95 at but fetches about $30 at eBay. Since the last six issues aren't available online (to my knowledge) they sell for $35-$60 on eBay. Some people have tried to sell the first music box for $60 at MSN auctions and at the Titanic Artifact Exhibit they were trying to sell it for $50. Don't pay those prices!

Hot Titanic items on eBay are film cels and items from J. Peterman and Franklin Mint. The film cels are sold one at a time on a few sites, though I have yet to find one that bothers to tell you what's in the cel. Franklin Mint has a website where they still sell Rose dolls, but you need to buy the doll from them before you can get any of the accessories and outfits. J.Peterman closed their doors and so the only place you can get anything they sold is eBay.

Treat eBay like walking into a casino and keep your wits about you. The worst things I've done have been paying way too much and forgetting an auction. If you really cannot be at a computer when the auction ends, you might just bid your maximum amount. As frustrating as it can be, set that maximum in your mind. Sometimes you will get outbid by a few dollars and you'll say to yourself, I would have paid $3 more dollars. It's a slippery slope. If you're willing to pay $43 instead of your max of $40, you ought to have bid $43. But if you'd pay $3 more, why not pay $48? Or $50? And soon that maximum in your head is long gone and you're in the poor house. Don't bid in increments of $5. Most people think in terms of $10, $25, and $40. When you bid, make it $42.13. If someone else bids $40, you'll win by $1 (find out about proxy bidding at eBay). If you'd bid $40 after they did, you'd lose, since earlier placed bids take precedence. If someone bids $4 after you, you will win by 13 cents.

As hesitant as I've been about sharing all this information with Titanic collectors at large, I believe the healthy competition will benefit other people by saving them money and earning them great collections. Enjoy eBay!


On April 15, 1912, many passengers of the R.M.S. Titanic perished, there bodies left to float across the large expanse of the Atlanic Ocean. Many of these such bodies were not picked up until days later by the MacKay-Bennett, that was scanning the water for these unfortunate souls. Only a small percentage of the 1,497 victims were picked up. The rest called the sea their final resting ground, they never got to see the land they were anxiously travelling to. Of the bodies that were discovered, 150 were buried in 3 graveyards in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. Sadly, though, 43 of these bodies are unidentified.

Now, work is being done to finally indentify them. So far 2 graves have been dug up on Thursday, May 17, 2001. Another the following day. This was done in Fairview Lawn Cemetary in Halifax, or as some call it, the Titanic Graveyard. This is where most of the bodies are buried, 121 to be exact. The rest of victims are buried at Mount Olivet Cemetery and Hirsch Cemetary. The digging is being by the request of anoymous famillies that believe they be related to these unfortunate souls.

The 3 graves are 240, 281, and 4. Four is where the "unknown child" is buried. He was the youngest victim found all those years ago by the MacKay-Bennett, being only about 2 years old. He is also one of the more famous ones, and had his own funeral where hundreds of mourners came to mourn his death. On his grave stone it says, "Erected to the memory of an unknown child whose remains were recovered after the disaster to the Titanic." Now, he may finally have a name or identity.
After the graves are opened, they are going to take samples of them and send them to Ontario, where the DNA will be compared to the DNA of the people that believe they are related to them. The better condition the bodies are in, the better the chances of identification. The procedure will under the direction of Ryan Parr, who is the co-director of the Paleo-DNA Labratory at Thunder Bay University in Thunder Bay, Ontario. All I know is that the coffins were in good condition, considering they have been buried there since 1912. That's a while!

People do have problems with this, though. They have even had one man chain himself to a grave because he thought the child was remains were going to be moved. Then, there is Blair Beed's, who gives tours of the graveyard, he believes that the bodies should be left as they are.

That's all for now, more details as I learn them.

Thank you for reading the June issue of Making Waves. Please send any comments, questions or concerns to admin@back-to-titanic ! Please visit for a total Titanic experience!

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