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Today in Titanic History - with Searching
Today in
Titanic History

Tuesday, October 22, 2024
1886 - 1st class survivor Mr George Achilles Harder was born to Victor Achilles Harder and Minnie Mehl Harder in New York City, New York, USA.

1974 - 2nd class survivor Mrs Antonine Marie Mallet died in Paris, France at the age of 86.

1888 - 3rd class passenger Mr Nils Martin Ödahl was born to Ola Öhdal and Hanna Nilsson.

1887 - 3rd class passenger Mr René Aimé Lievens was born in Heldergem, Belgium.

1926 - Able Seaman and survivor Mr William Henry Lionel Weller died in a shipwreck at the age of 44.

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2001: February

In this month's issue:

*Monthly Stuff
*Character of the Month: Brock Lovett
*Copal's Queue
*Chicago Experience
*History With Kelly


*B2T News
April 15, 2001 will be the 89th anniversary of the Titanic's sinking. We will be having a "commemorative" issue in honor of the passengers on the Titanic. We would like to include fan submissions in this issue. If you are interested, either e mail us at or visit our messageboard. We are looking for any kind of submissions - poems, songs, artwork, graphics, articles etc. This issue will not be a substitute for our regular issue that is mailed at the beginning of each month but it will be a "special" that will be sent out on April 14th.

*Titanic News
Kate Winslet is starting to pick up speed as it gets closer to the announcement of the nominees for the Oscars (do I see a dark horse?). Kate Winslet has picked up nominations for the Blockbuster Movie Awards for Best Actress in a Drama (cast your vote at and also was nominated for Best Supporting Actress for the Screen Actors Guild (SAG) Awards. However, Winslet was not nominated for the BAFTA awards in which some thought she was a shoo-in.

Beatrice Wood, the inspiration for Old Rose, died at the age of 105. Just five days prior to her death, Wood hosted a party for James Cameron and Gloria Stuart to present Cameron with the Beatrice Wood Film Award for his efforts on Titanic. She died just nine days past her 105th birthday.

Leonardo DiCaprio could be facing yet another lawsuit... On February 1st paparazzi got onto the set of "Gangs of New York" and frightened a horse, which then turned over a carriage. Three extras were injured - one being a child. Leo, worried about the injured extras that were trapped under the carriage - began throwing horse manure at the paparazzi - whom were photographing the entire incident. When asked, Leo's agent stated that Leo acted out of concern for the extras.

Michel Navratil, the last male survivor of the Titanic Sinking died at the age of 92 the last week of January. Navratil was one of the two boys that were kidnapped and taken on the Titanic by their father. After a picture of the two boys appeared in press their mother recognized them and came to fetch them. Michael's brother passed a few years back. Now there are four remaining survivors of the sinking - all too young to remember the sinking itself.


Wallpaper by Guinastasia

Quote: "This is not a game!"

URL of this month's wallpaper:


I would like to congratulate Kate and Faith from Rose's Promise, who are the proud recipients of an award plaque distinguishing their site as B2T's Site of the Month for February 2001. Their site is truly unique, in their words "The creation of two webmistresses with the goal to produce one of the best Titanic sites on the net." They're doing a great job so far! Here is what Kate had to say:

Jen: What made you become interested in Titanic?

Kate: Well, I remember being dragged to the cinemas to watch this movie with Leo and I remember thinking 'oh, god, I wonder what kinda chick they paired him up with this time'. I'll admit that at this point I knew NOTHING about the ship or the tragedy and couldn't relate to people in black and white photos. When I saw the movie, however, my whole outlook on life changed. I realized that everyone has the potential to be whatever they want to be, and shouldn't be held back by what others think.

Jen: How long has your site been in existence?

Kate: To tell you the truth, Rose's Heart is only about a month old! lol. It's the combination of two great Titanic sites- Rose's Titanic Heaven and Heart of the Ocean, hence the name.

Jen: In your opinion, what is the best feature on your site?

Kate: The graphics, I think. I remember when I used to rely on the generosity of other Titanic webmasters to donate graphics, but now that i can make my own, well.. I've gone a little overboard (pardon the pun!)

Jen: What advice would you like to give to other webmasters out there?

Kate: I think the saddest thing in the world is watching sites die. My advice therefore is keep at it!! There are thousands of things you can do to make your site interesting. My main page for example, was made fully on 'Yahoo Pagebuilder' and required NO HTML knowledge. Even if you're stuck with your page, there are heaps of people out there willing to help!!

Visit Rose's Heart -

Become the Site of the Month! -



"These windows are nine inches thick and if they go, it's sayonara in two microseconds." [Scene 8]

"Shit." [Scene 14]

"I'll be God damned." [Scene 15]

"Are you ready to go back to Titanic?" [Scene 28]

"Rose, tell us more about the diamond. What did Hockley do with it after that?" [Scene 64 - cut]

"For three years, I thought of nothing but Titanic. But I never got it. I never let it in." [Scene 288]

"Look, Rose, I... I don't know what to say to a woman who tries to jump off Titanic when it's not sinking, and jumps back onto it when it is... we're not dealing with logic here, I know that... but please... think about this a second." [Scene 289 - cut]





Simple things can be changed on your site and they can make such a difference. I've discussed before some things to make graphics look finished. The similar ideas can be applied to websites.

Tick marks.
When you start an A HREF, you must make an end tag. Also, do not leave a space (or have a line break) between an image or text and the A HREF end tag. It leaves a small line next to the image and it looks sloppy.

Nearly everytime, I take out the border on images and tables (border=0). Sometimes tables are complex and they need borders to be understood, but I avoid the bevelled default borders on tables when I can. Removing the borders from images can make your site look cleaner, even to the very small degree of showing that you know how to remove it.

Horizontal Rules (HR).
These appear as bevelled lines across a page. These are used a lot on basic pages as a separator instead of using a graphic. Most Titanic sites are graphically, and visually, oriented. Using HRs look like a lazy default and that you can't make bars yourself.

Alert Pop-ups.
When I visit a site, I really don't want to get slapped in the face. That is what it feels like when Alert Pop-up Windows are used. In the hayday of Titanic sites these ran rampant through sites the moment someone figured out how to do them. Computer users have been accustomed to alerts being errors, so it's disconcerting to get an alert when surfing. It gets ever worse when more than one is used consecutively.

Status Bars.
The status bar is at the bottom of a browser window. It may seems like an improvement to your site to have special messages in the status bar when people visit, but it can inhibit their experience. Many times I have wanted to know where a link goes (it appears in the status bar when the cursor is over a link). Having scrolling, flashing, or static messages appear there will prevent that. The status bar is there to tell you how your download is going, what your browser is busying doing, and notifies you of errors. We're already at your site, you should make us happy to be there. Most people will be oblivious to the staus bar message, except for when it gets in their way.

Fast-loading synthesized music has been very popular on Titanic sites. Midis are a great way of adding to the experience of being at your site. The only thing that would truly get in your visitors' way is to have midis that cannot be stopped. Give your visitors the option to start it (or at least stop it once it starts). Why is this? The sad truth is that there are Titanic fans in the world that are bored at work and surf Titanic sites. A blaring midi will give that away. The better reason is that your visitors might already be listening to music (even the Titanic soundtrack itself). Make the midi file a link to be clicked on or give visitors a "play" and "stop" button option.

These are the first things I would go through when cleaning up a site. There is much more to this clean website philosophy, but if nothing else, this will make your site above the rest. Keep visitors, make your site fun to wander through, that's what Titanic websites are all about.


We finally all rounded up and left the museum and got into our van on East Trains C. Upon our return to the van, I insisted that Don sit up front. Don is quite tall and on our trip up he was smooshed in the back bench in the middle. His head was touching the ceiling! I knew he would also appreciate the extra leg room. So I happily climbed over everyone and sat next to Jeff and started talking to him.

The return trip was basically like the original. Much talking and missing exit lanes. We still got back safe and sound - thanks to some great navigators! We got to the hotel and dumped off some of the crew, but Christina mentioned she had to get gas. Don offered to go along with her and Jeff and I went along as well. My legs had fallen asleep and I didn't quite know if I would walk like a human, so it is good that I could stay in the car and not fall out of the van like a moron!

Upon pulling up into the gas station, Christina paused for a moment and in a flash Don immediately opened the door and got out, saying, "I guess I should do this." I was freaking out in the back seat and Jeff's jaw literally dropped. Christina said no, and we got out of the car. Don went into the station to get something to drink and Jeff took Don's lead and pumped the gas while Christina and I went in to pay for it.

We bumped into Don on the way into the station and he kept insisting that he wanted to pay for the gas. There was no way that was going to fly. He was our guest, so there was a big NO to that. He said that he wanted to since we had been so nice to him, but we said no again and he gave up and went back to the van.

On our return trip back Don mentioned how the Titanic had no locked doors and that you had to ask the Steward to open the door for you. That was something I did not know prior to this trip. We got back to the hotel and beat feet to our rooms - we only had a little over an hour to get ready.

Christina hopped in the shower and I started to fiddle around with things to get ready but really couldn't do much until she was out (everything of mine was in the bathroom). She got out and I curled my mane in record time. But I still had to paint my nails (somehow I didn't see hot pink going with my jump dress) and do my makeup and we had 15 minutes to go. I got my makeup on and threw my dress on. Christina helped me with the zipper and buttonholes and I pinned her stubborn sash up. We were about 10 minutes late at this point but we had to make the grand entrance!

I grabbed my J. Peterman Heart of the Ocean (yeah yeah, I know it doesn't go with the dress) and we dashed out the door (Yes my wallet was with me this time guys...). We walked/ran down our hall (my dress making noise the whole way) and got into the elevator and demanded the bellboy take us to E deck...just kidding. We arrived on the first floor and walked toward the lobby where we could see our crowd was congregated.

I have to admit - I was pretty nervous on our way down. I had peeked over the edge of the railing into the atrium and saw a lot of people gathered up. I noticed Don was there so that made me even more nervous. Why I really have no idea... But I took a deep breath and exited the elevator and began to walk towards the group.

All eyes were on us, since everyone knew that Christina and I had the two "Titanic" dresses (no one else did). Don was smiling at us and I finally released my breath. As people were fawning over Christina's gown (which was very pretty), Don stepped over and told me I looked "very beautiful" in my gown. That made my night - just kidding.

Since most of the group was "dressed in their best" we began to take a few more pictures. Then Christina, Judy and I posed for some pictures together since we were all in Titanic garb. Although Judy's dress wasn't from the movie it was still very similar to the Edwardian style with drop beads and so forth. She actually beaded it herself! After that we walked out of the Wyndham to travel to the Rainforest Café.

On our way out to the van some beads began to fall off my dress. Now I have to say, it's corny that I even recall this but still... Don stopped me and gave me the beads he had managed to pick up. I was totally amazed. Honestly I have to say if I saw some small beads fall off someone's gown I am not sure I would stop to pick them up...but he did. That's a true gentleman for you!

Once we got to the van Don insisted that I sit in the front. I protested but he firmly insisted, opening the door and all but shoving me into the seat! Although he did have a point, he had the luxury of pants. The only thing my dress was made for was climbing over railings - not people! So I relented and let Don sit in the back. I did feel really bad about it though.

We arrived at the Rainforest Cafe after only a few minutes and began to trek into the mall. People kept glancing at us, I am sure we all made a heck of a sight. Not all of us were in Titanic garb, or even dressed up. But we didn't care, we were out for a good time!

We trotted through the mall (of course our gracious gentleman Don and Jeff held the door open for us ladies) and we continued to get stares. I saw a cheesy Alaska display complete with iceberg and took a mental note to get my picture taken next to it before I left. I pointed it out to Christina and we both laughed about the idea.

We got to the counter and waited to be seated. I had never seen a Rainforest Cafe before so I was taking in the sights. Fish, trees, fish, trees, elephant, fish, trees, bird...holy cow it is a thunderstorm. For a split moment I thought about fleeing for the mall to avoid the rain. Turns out there is no rain. Silly me! We all got settled and I was lucky enough to be on Don and Judy's end of the table. Michael was also next to me and that was a treat, because I had not been able to converse much with him yet during the trip.

Michael and I decided to go all out and get some frozen drinks. I had an awesome Raspberry Rainfall and Mike had a Key Lime frozen concoction. Don (who was beside Mike) even was tempted by how good that Lime thing was that he got one too. Of course they gave us two straws so that we would have brain freeze within a matter of minutes. We did a toast to "Making it Count" and BOTTOMS UP! Just kidding.

After we placed our orders Jeff (in his totally cool wood tie) escorted us ladies to the iceberg, where we posed for our pictures. Next thing I knew this worker from the travel place that the Alaska thing was for, was ohh-iing and ahh-ing at me, demanding that I show her manager my dress. It was so surreal, I felt almost like a movie star. =) My 15 minutes of fame.

We went back and dinner arrived. I had ordered Asian Beef and to my surprise it came with chopsticks (shows me for not reading the full description). Never having used chopsticks before in my life, I was already picking up my fork and moving the chopsticks aside. But I decided hell with it and went for the chopsticks, making sure to cover my entire lap in napkins, for the spillage that I was sure to come.

The waitress showed me and Jeff (another Asian Beef eater) how to work the chopsticks and away I went. I was so proud of myself; I didn't screw up once! I even ate the rice and noodles with them. I can only imagine what this looked like to the other "passengers." A lady in a Titanic dress eating a Chinese meal with chopsticks!

After the meal was done I headed out to the gift shop to browse for items for my fiance and dad. I ended up purchasing a gift for both and myself. When I got back to the table I found that the waitress had decided that we couldn't use credit cards - she had put us all on one bill. I finally flat out told her I had to use credit and a few others did the same. We all stayed behind as the rest of the gang departed to get set up for the program that evening. Mike agreeed to take me back so after our checks were paid we headed back to the Wyndham.


Charles Herbert Lightoller

Position: Second Officer
Died: December 8, 1952
Age: 78

Second Officer Charles Herbert Lightoller was the highest ranked survivor of the Titanic sinking. He was also the most colorful. In the beginning, he was chosen as First Officer, but because Henry T. Wilde was promoted to Chief Officer, he was moved down to Second. This also caused a bit of switching around among the rest of the officers, and David Blair, the original Second Officer, to be returned to the Oceanic.

Lightoller had a couple of adventures, prior to joinin White Star. They include being shipwreaked on an Island, prospecting for gold in the Yukon, and even being a cowboy in the Canadian West. (He He, Canadian involvement.) In the year 1900, he joined White Star. He ended up on the Titanic by leaving the Oceanic to work on a bigger ship, the Titanic.

A known fact about him, was that he was a career officer. He had wanted to own his own ship. He was also intolerant to people that didn't follow procedures, or used poor judgement.

At the time of the inquires into the sinking of the Titanic, he was the chief witness. His story stuck by the White Star throughout British and American inquires. He stayed with White Star Line until his retirement, and served in World War I. Sadly, he never received his own command, because he was faithful to officals like Bruce Ismay, but he did command one in the Royal Navy.

After the war he opened his own Guest House, and became a chicken farmer. During World War II, he used his yacht Sundowner, to help evacuate Dunkirk. He saved 131 British Soldiers.

Herbert John Pitman

Position: Third Officer
Place: Pitcombe, England (After he retired)
Died: December, 1961

At the time of his working on the Titanic, Herbert John Pitman, was a 17 year veteran to the sea. Prior to working on the Titanic he, like many of his fellow officers, served aboard the Oceanic. He reported for orders in Liverpool, and then went to meet her in Belfast. He was joined by Boxhall, Lowe, and Moody.

During the collision of the Titanic with the iceberg, Pitman was in his cabin. Upon arriving at the scene, he was given control of Lifeboat 5 by First Officer Murdock. Also in his boat, was Bruce Isamy. After getting as many women as possible in the boat, he allowed a number of men to come as well. In the boat, there was about 40 people, and was one of the first boats lowered from the starboard side. The other boat lowered at around the same time was No. 7.

After the sinking, Pitman testified at both inquires, and remained at sea for 35 more years. Although, because of failing vision, he had to leave the bride crew and become a purser. He was a widower and retired to Pitcombe, England until his death.

Joseph Groves Boxhall
Position: Forth Officer
Born: March 23, 1884
Died: April 15, 1967

Joesph Groves Boxhall had served in White Star for 13 years, before joining the Titanic at Belfast. He joined White Star in 1907.

After Titanic, Boxhall was the Forth Officer on the Adriatic for a while. He was also a sub-lieutenant in the Royal Navy Reserve, and served on a battleship for a year before the start of World War I. After the start of the war, he remained aboard the HMS Commonwealth, and then went to Gibraltar to command a torpedeo ship.

After this, he returned to White Star, where he served until way after the merger in 1934 with Cunard. He was the first officer aboard Ausonia, Scythia, and Antonia. He was the only, of Titanic's Junior Officers, to serve at sea for a long time. He had to retire in 1940, because of ill health. In 1958, he was the technical advisor for the movie, A Night to Remember.

After his death, his ashes were scattered over the last known site of the Titanic's sinking.

Harold Godfrey Lowe

Position: Fifth Officer
Died: 1944

When Harold Godfrey Lowe was a child, he wanted to be a sailor. At the age of 12, he had to swim half a mile to shore after one of his father's boats capsized. When he was 14, he ran away from home, and served on schooners for seven years. After that, he switched to square-rigged ships and then steamers. This is where he earned his certificates. He also served in the West African Coast, and then joined White Star.

Lowe never really had a proper education, but was an enthusiastic seaman and a plain spoken individualist. He was spoken highly of by fellow crew and other passengers after the sinking, and he was the only one to return to look for survivors.

Lowe, like his fellow crew man, never made it to Captain, but he held the rank of commander in the Royal Naval Reserve during World War I. He then eventually left the sea, and went to his home in North Wales. After this, he became very active in polictics.

James Paul Moody

Position: Sixth Officer
Died: April 15, 1912

James Paul Moody was the officer that answered the phone call and relayed Frederick Fleet's warning that there was an ice berg dead ahead to the officer on watch. He was also in charge of the people who were on top of the officer's cabins cutting lifeboat A down. He didn't survive the sinking.

See ya next one!!!

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