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Today in Titanic History - with Searching
Today in
Titanic History

Tuesday, October 22, 2024
1886 - 1st class survivor Mr George Achilles Harder was born to Victor Achilles Harder and Minnie Mehl Harder in New York City, New York, USA.

1974 - 2nd class survivor Mrs Antonine Marie Mallet died in Paris, France at the age of 86.

1888 - 3rd class passenger Mr Nils Martin Ödahl was born to Ola Öhdal and Hanna Nilsson.

1887 - 3rd class passenger Mr René Aimé Lievens was born in Heldergem, Belgium.

1926 - Able Seaman and survivor Mr William Henry Lionel Weller died in a shipwreck at the age of 44.

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2001: August

In this issue:
* News
* Monthly Stuff
* Scene of the Month
* History with Kelly
* Site of the Month
* Book Review


*B2T News

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HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! August marks the second anniversary of Making Waves. Thank you to all of our readers for contributing, sending in your encouragement and praise, and reading this newsletter. With your support we will be here for years to come!

*Titanic News

Actress Winslet Buys Home with 'Friendly' Ghost

  LONDON (Reuters) - "Titanic" actress Kate Winslet has been warned she will be sharing a house she has just bought with a ghost, the Daily Telegraph reported on Tuesday. "I hope it won't put Kate off. I know people who have seen the ghost and he is definitely friendly," John Mappin, joint owner of the nearby Camelot Castle Hotel, was quoted as saying. The Telegraph said the British actress had bought the house at Tintagel on England's southwest coast. The house is close to the ruins of Tintagel Castle, said in legend to have been King Arthur's Camelot. Winslet, 25, who is married with a daughter, planned to renovate the house -- once the home of a worker at the hotel who died about 70 years ago, the newspaper said. Mappin said some people believed the ghost was that of the hotel worker. "He has been seen walking from the house to the hotel, as if he is going to work. No one has ever been frightened of him and I think he probably adds character to the house," Mappin said.

Celine Dion's baby baptized in Montreal

MONTREAL (Reuters) - French Canadian pop diva Celine Dion baptized her 6-month-old son Rene-Charles Wednesday in Montreal at a private Catholic ceremony that was preceded by a publicity frenzy that had all the glitter of a Hollywood premiere. Dion and husband Rene Angelil's arrival by limousine at Notre-Dame Basilica was broadcast on national television after several guests were brought in in minibuses. Some 250 friends and members of the family gathered inside Montreal's landmark church while a hoard of photographers and excited onlookers gathered to watch her arrival. Montreal officials had to close off the streets in the city's historic district, clean them and roll out a blue carpet at the entrance to the church chapel. Dion, 33, is currently on a three-year sabbatical from show business as she takes care of her infant son, born six months ago. The popular singer has said she will make a comeback in a musical in Las Vegas in 2003. The Quebec-born artist is famous for such hits as "My Heart Will Go On" from the movie "Titanic". She gave birth to her first child on Jan. 25. The baby was conceived through in vitro fertilization in New York. The singer was recently named the world's best-selling female artist, with fans around the world snapping up more than 125 million albums worldwide in the 1990s. Dion and Angelil, who is also her manager, were married in a striking ceremony in Montreal in 1994. He has managed Dion's career since she began singing as a teenager in the town of Charlemagne near Montreal.

Archerd: Cousteau, Cameron venture waterlogged

By Army Archerd, Daily Variety Senior Columnist
HOLLYWOOD (Variety) - The deep-sea teaming between James Cameron and Jean-Michel Cousteau for ABC is taking a breather. I spoke with Cousteau at his Santa Barbara h.q. (he moved there 10 years ago from France); he said he'll now wait until Cameron completes testing his undersea filming equipment at the Titanic and Bismarck deep-sea graves. "As soon as he (Cameron) returns, we'll know the success of his high-definition cameras and technology allowing us to be submerged six to 10 hours at 1,000 meters. All my life I've been limited to average depths. "Cousteau believes they'll have some resolution to those tech questions by October before proceeding with the ABC-Fox TV and Imax teams. "We've run into some financial difficulties," Cousteau admitted of the ambitious adventure. "So we decided to separate the two projects": first the Titanic/Bismarck venture, followed by global investigations at 1,000 meters down. Cousteau admitted, "I'm not a shipwreck guy. My mission is something else: alive under the sea. The next step is to discover marine life never before seen and studied -- the giant squid, the six-gill shark, the elephant fish of New Zealand, where the spiny lobsters go -- all kinds of life we have never seen all over the world, starting in the Atlantic and continuing in the Pacific." He says ABC would air it everywhere except France. Cousteau spoke of the U.S. nixing the Kyoto Protocol, which would fight global warming and protect the planet. At the Bonn meeting, 180 nations approved the measure, though the U.S. nixed it. U.N. Convention on Climate Change spokeswoman Jennifer Morgan said, "This first step is a giant leap for humanity and for the future of our planet." Sure, astronaut Neil Armstrong, landing on the moon in 1969, said, "One small step for (a) man, one giant leap for mankind"; but as Cousteau said to me, "We know more about the hidden side of the moon than (we know about) the planet on which we live." He hopes to add to some of that knowledge before the ignorance of global warming dangers destroys life as we know it -- on land and under the sea.

Couple Set To Get Married On Titanic
A New York couple are planning to exchange their vows on the shipwrecked Titanic. USA Today reports the David Leibowitz and Kimberly Miller will ride aboard a submarine and travel to the wreck that claimed 1,523 people in 1912. The wedding idea is part of a contest sponsored by Britain-based SubSea Explorer. The wedding ceremony will take place on a tiny sub perched on the Titanic's bow. The bow was made famous by Kate Winslet and Leonardo DiCaprio's love scene in the 1997 movie.

Leonardo DiCaprio injured his knee during a basketball game. He is on crutches and may require surgery.


*Wallpaper by Mark:

Quote: "I hope you enjoy your time together."

Reason for choosing this quote:
"This, to me, is one of the most powerful lines in the film. As an audience, we all know of Jack and Rose's impending doom, and can only watch as they are helpless to stop it. We know that one of them will surely not make it. I like to feel that this is the only situation where Rose does do as Cal says. Both her and Jack decided to accept their fate, and cherish the last few moments they have together."

*August in Titanic history:
1882: Titanic passengers Helene Baxter (nee Chaput de Laudeniere) and James "Diamond Jim" Baxter were married.

1912: Madeleine Astor gave birth to the baby she was carrying while aboard the Titanic. It was a boy, which she named John Jacob Astor after her deceased husband.

1996, 10th: At the ground breaking ceremony for the Rosario set, celebrity attendees included Arnold Schwartzenager and Tom Arnold, both friends and former co-workers of Cameron.

Boiler Room


You will find more "Boiler Room" puzzles by following the links at the bottom.

NOTE: Some subscribers may have had difficulty finding last month's puzzles.
The problem was fixed and they can be found here:
You will find more "Finger Paintings" puzzles by following the links at the bottom.

Scene Facts:
1. There was no door between boiler room 6 and the cargo area.

2. After Rose and Jack run through the boiler room, there was to be a contrasting shot of Cal, Colonel Gracie, and other first class men at a card game. This script tells it this way:
Amid unparalleled luxury, Cal sits at a card game, sipping brandy.

We're going like hell I tell you. I have fifty dollars that says we'll make it into New York Tuesday night!

Cal looks at his gold pocket watch, and scowls, not listening."

3. Just after that scene was a kiss between Jack and Rose in the boiler room. Cameron decided to hold off until a deeper kiss in the Cargo Hold. Cameron explains: "Without that kiss you have better dynamic in the relationship. Jack initiates the first passionate kiss with Rose on the bow. Now it's her turn. It shows that she's taking control of her destiny by investing in their relationship. I wanted that second, meaningful kiss to happen in the Renault where they end up making love for the first time." The script describes the deleted kiss:
The furnaces roar, silhouetting the glistening stokers. JACK kisses Rose's face, tasting the sweat trickling down from her forehead. They kiss passionately in the steamy, pounding darkness."

4. Workers in the Titanic's engine room would have had to wear thick protective clothing to shield them from the heat generated by the engines.

5. The music that plays during this scene is from a movie called "Heaven Help Us" for which James Horner also composed the soundtrack.

6. When a boiler room worker calls after them that "it could be dangerous" for them to be down there, it was quite true. In the sheer chiffon dress Rose was wearing, she could have easily been in danger of her dress catching fire by a stray spark.


The Titanic was the largest and most technologically advanced ship of 1912. Inside the majesty was even more impressive views than one can imagine. Here is a brief description of some of them:

First Class:

The First Class Lounge
The First Class Lounge was decorated in lovely Edwardian version of Louis Quinze Versailles style. This was the room where everyone met for cards and long conversations over steaming tea.

The First Class Staircase
One of the most breathtaking architecture on the Titanic was the staircase in first class. With its wrought-iron and glass dome letting in the light of day, beautifully polished wall panellings, and gleaming balustrades, it was definitely appealing. Then, there was the carved panel that contained a clock surrounded by two classical figures that showed Honor and Glory crowning Time.

The Dining Saloon
Titanic was the largest ship afloat, and the Dining Saloon was the largest room afloat. The room was over 100 ft. in length and had Jacobean-style alcoves and leaded windows. FYI: The menu was printed in a folder that had a picture of Europa and Columbia linked above a shimmering white star.

First Class Staterooms
What can you say? They were the most beautiful staterooms afloat, envy of most of the lavish hotels of the time. The parlour suites were even more exquisite, containing a sitting room, 2 bedrooms, 2 wardrobe rooms, and a private bath and lavatory. Two of them also contained a private promenade, 50 ft. in size.

The Verandah Cafe
The Verandah Cafe, also called Verandah and Palm Court, was made up of 2 rooms, one on each side of the ship and aft of the 1st-class smoking room. The room had ivy growing up trellis-covered walls, white wicker furniture, and high arched windows giving it an outdoor effect.

The Reading and Writing Room
The guys inhabited the Smoking Room, so a room was built off the Lounge for the women. The room was exquisitely done in Georgian-style decor, fit for a Queen.

The Cafe Parisian
The Cafe was another thing unique about the Titanic. It was made like a Parisian sidewalk Cafe, and had real French waiters. It also had very casual decor.

The Turkish Baths
The Turkish Baths were decorated with brightly colored tiles, gilded beams, and bronze lamps. The Cooling Room for the Turkish baths was Moorish fantasy with an exotic atmosphere.

The Pool
The pool, or "swimming bath" on the F-deck was feature of the 1st-class accommodations.

The Barber Shop
The Titanic had 2 Barber Shops, one in 1st-Class and one in 2nd to provide men with a regular hot lather and shave. It was also the place to buy souvenirs, such as postcards, pennants, paperweights, and plates.

The Gymnasium included horse-riding, cycling, boat-rowing, etc. to give the passengers the exercise they needed, as well as provided them with amusement. The gym was located on the Starboard side of the ship, near the first class entrance. The room had high, arched windows that looked onto the boat deck. This room was very important on the night of the sinking because it provided warmth and a bit of entertainment for passengers.

Second Class:

The Lounge was also known as the library. Although, it wasn't as nice as the 1st-class room, it was still beautifully furnished with upholstered mahogany chairs in a large room with sycamore furnishings.

Smoking Room
The Smoking Room was used for the same purpose as the one in 1st-class, for men. This one had carved oak panelling and lovely oak furniture covered with a nice dark green morocco leather.

Dining Saloon
The Second class Dining Saloon had food that was made in the same kitchen or galley that made the 1st-class meals. The tables were long and had fixed, swivel chairs. This is the decor you would find on most other ships for 1st-class in 1912.

Third Class:

The rooms in Third Class weren't as nice as the rooms found in the upper classes, but they were better then typical 3rd-class on other ships. The rooms were found on the lower decks or in areas that weren't desirable for anything else. Single men and women were divided by the length of the ship, men were found on the bow, while the women were in the stern. Families were kept together, though.

Dining Saloon
The Dining Saloon was actually 2 rooms that were divided by a watertight bulkhead. The walls were white and decorated with posters of the International Mercantile Marine.

General Room
The General Room was decorated with pine panelling and sturdy teak furniture. It was the equivalent of a lounge.


I would like to congratulate Stef from A Shore Never Reached, who is the proud recipient of an award plaque distinguishing her site as B2T's Site of the Month for August 2001. Her site has just re-opened after being closed for a while and is just absolutely gorgeous. She has done a wonderful job! Here is what Stef had to say:

Jen: What made you become interested in Titanic?

Stef: The whole story of it all...I've always been interested in the entire Titanic story..but after seeing the movie it brought it to a whole new level

Jen: How long has your site been in existence?

Stef: My new site (after being moved and getting my own domain) only for a week or so...but I have had a Titanic site in general since like 98 when I first started making sites and getting the net....and I look back and remember how i had NO clue how to make a site..and how much I have learned from it since then!

Jen: In your opinion, what is the best feature on your site?

Stef: One of the most popular things is The Overobsessed Fan of the Month which has games and things to gain points towards being the fan of the month...other things like keepers, book a ticket on Titanic 2.. etc are as I would say the interactive type things :)

Jen: What advice would you like to give to other webmasters out there?

Stef: If you are just starting out making a site..or sometimes with may seem hard at first but you just keep working at it and it pays off in the end!

Visit A Shore Never Reached -

Become the Site of the Month! -

British Film Institute: Modern Classics: Titanic
by David M. Lubin

As a fan of the movie much more than a rivet-counter for the history, I've wanted in-depth analysis of the movie. The majority of what has been written about James Cameron's movie has been short articles in magazines, gushing praise written by Cameron himself or his colleagues, or vapid teen magazines saying nothing more than "Titanic is the best movie ever!" This movie has resonated in me to the point of sprouting an obsession, and I wanted to know why it changed me and so many people around the world. I would say that these people are just like me, but through the Internet I have met men, women, girls, and boys of varying ages and backgrounds who were all dramatically affected by this three hour movie. What is it about the tale of a first class woman and a third class man falling in love on a doomed ship?

Lubin eloquently guides the reader through the entirety of the movie experience, starting with who went to see the movie. He chronicles the prejudices he came across in researching and writing the book for the British Film Institute. From the movie's golden opening scenes, Lubin illuminates the cultural surrounding all of us, the viewers, and how the story from so many decades ago relates back to us. There is a cinematic language we've all seen again and again, but with Lubin's insight, the movie turns into something you can turn in your hand, with depth and crevices you'd never noticed before. The whole film is new again. Just like when you are watching the frames go by, you cannot turn away from the comparisons to modern and classic paintings, films, literature, and popular culture.

Lubin follows up a comparison to the screwball comedies of the thirties by recalling the movie It Happened One Night (1934) in which Peter (Clark Gable) teaches Ellie (Claudette Colbert) to dunk a donut. It is a necessity in a screwball comedy for one of the mismatched lovers to teach the other something, just like Jack teaches Rose to spit and she helps him through upper class dining.

Later, as Jack draws Rose, it is pointed out how Cameron turned the cameras on elderly Rose's present day audience. By doing so, we ourselves are captivated by the gorgeous visuals and the sensuality of Jack's and Rose's unspoken gazes. So we exhale and laugh at ourselves just like they do on the screen just to continue with a deep kiss between Jack and Rose as he hands over the sketch.

Rose's rebellion through giving Lovejoy the finger, not wearing a corset, giggling, and running about is "the sort of behavior that conservatives liked to point to when charging modern women with civilization's decline," Lubin writes. Rose's actions seem timed so that one might link her to the tragedy about to ensue, "steaming ahead far too fast and without proper lookout."

This book also looks at the history of the ship and why Cameron went about it the way he did. Other movies about this same ship sinking into the Atlantic have skewed the audience's view so that they might blame the English (Nazi propaganda film), God for taking revenge on the claims that man had overcome Him, the greed and optimism of the time, and disorder and miscommunication (A Night to Remember). Cameron went the route of blaming capitalists without regard for human life, and most certainly not the lives of lower classes. Cameron's Titanic "preaches a doctrine of corporate responsibility toward consumers."

If Cameron had all of the things Lubin realized in mind as he created Titanic, it truly is a masterpiece of the modern era. I'm not one to take statements like that lightly. Lubin extracts still more from Titanic to the very end, leaving the questions in my mind answered but also wanting there to be more books like this dedicated to this film. A film that now undoubtedly deserves it.

(As a side note, the credits for the movie at the end of David M. Lubin's book lists the following uncredited performances: Man at dance (James Cameron), deckhand (Tony Kenny), Frederick Spedden (David Lynch), Man being combed for lice (Francisco Valdez))

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