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Today in Titanic History - with Searching
Today in
Titanic History

Tuesday, October 22, 2024
1886 - 1st class survivor Mr George Achilles Harder was born to Victor Achilles Harder and Minnie Mehl Harder in New York City, New York, USA.

1974 - 2nd class survivor Mrs Antonine Marie Mallet died in Paris, France at the age of 86.

1888 - 3rd class passenger Mr Nils Martin Ödahl was born to Ola Öhdal and Hanna Nilsson.

1887 - 3rd class passenger Mr René Aimé Lievens was born in Heldergem, Belgium.

1926 - Able Seaman and survivor Mr William Henry Lionel Weller died in a shipwreck at the age of 44.

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Obsession Signs: How obsessed are you?

    You are obsessed with Titanic IF:
    (check all that apply)

  1. You can recite scenes word for word on command.
  2. You insist on having a Titanic wedding and break off the engagement when your fiancé thinks otherwise.
  3. Every Halloween you are Rose.
  4. You have had every outfit of Roses recreated.
  5. You spend more time on Ebay than you do watching the movie.
  6. You held a Titanic party.
  7. You have had to take out a loan to cover your Titanic expenses.
  8. You get an itchy trigger finger when you see the "The boat sank get over it!" t-shirts.
  9. You find yourself saving all your pennies for the Titanic 2 maiden voyage.
  10. You find yourself saving all your pennies for the submarine tour of the Titanic.
  11. You send flowers to the Halifax cemetery every April 15th.
  12. You take off of work on April 15th for mourning.
  13. You wrote J. Peterman and told them off because they wrote SS Titanic and April 14th, 1912 on the inside of the Heart of the Ocean box.
  14. You have a Titanic room.
  15. You own a DVD version of the movie and are yet to own a DVD player.
  16. You own every version and format Titanic was released on.
  17. You were in line at midnight on September 1, 1998 for the movie.
  18. You played the dance scene over and over so you could get the footwork down right.
  19. You have a website.
  20. You dyed your hair red.
  21. You watch the movie once a week.
  22. Everytime you are on Napster you see if there are any new Titanic MP3s you don't have yet.
  23. At one time, or still, you had a crush on Leo, Kate, Billy or Jim.
  24. You wrote any of the cast members for an autograph.
  25. Your computer is more full of Titanic stuff than anything else.
  26. You own the Descriptive Narrative version of Titanic.
  27. Anytime you see Titanic mentioned in a magazine you purchase it.
  28. You have a Titanic Scrapbook.
  29. You have a heart of the ocean.
  30. In your "Favorites" you have a separate folder for Titanic sites.
  31. You visit Titanic sites more often than anything else.
  32. You chucked out the $300 for the Jump Dress shoes from Peter Fox.
  33. You have gone to Halifax to pay tribute to J. Dawson.
  34. You own more than 5 books on Titanic.
  35. You time your viewing on April 14th so that when the ship hits the iceberg it is at the exact time it hit in 1912.
  36. You wouldn't go to see any movies that could have overthrown Titanic from its #1 spot while it was in theaters.
  37. You have floated on driftwood in your pool promising to never let go.
  38. You mark important Titanic dates on your calendar.
  39. You mark important Titanic dates on other people's calendars.
  40. You can identify every song on every soundtrack by name in 8 notes.
  41. You find yourself saying more than one Titanic quote a day.
  42. You have climbed to the bow of a watercraft and reenacted the flying scene.
  43. You force your fiancé to go on a cruise with you.
  44. You climb over the stern railing on the cruise just for a picture.
  45. You take your Titanic wardrobe with you on the cruise.
  46. There are no more plain staircases, it is the grand staircase.
  47. You know what the numbers 1523 stand for.
  48. You have seen every documentary on Titanic.
  49. You correct the movie when you watch it.
  50. You find yourself speaking Edwardian.
  51. You have changed your name to a character of the movies.
  52. You name a child after a character.
  53. You name a pet after the movie.
  54. You buy goldfish and put them into the same bowl as Old Rose had.
  55. You have spit in your fiancé's face.
  56. You have learned Morse Code.
  57. You have a Titanic quote in your profile.
  58. You have a Titanic quote in your signature.
  59. Your email relates to Titanic somehow.
  60. You can make out the Titanic in the stars and write NASA to convince them to name the constellation after Titanic.
  61. You have a star named for a Titanic character.
  62. During the lifeboat drill on your cruise you tell the crew member that you do not require the lifebelts, but you would like brandy.
  63. You order reprints of all the paintings Rose had in her stateroom.
  64. You refused to see Star Wars: The Phantom Menace on principle.
  65. You have printed out the script from your computer.
  66. You edited the script to reflect the actual movie script.
  67. You wrote Galoob and professed your displeasure of their discontinuing the Rose Doll line.
  68. You have EVER kissed a poster.
  69. You bought the Love Story dolls and have them posed on a mockup of the bow you created.
  70. You took pictures of said dolls.
  71. You cried when you missed the Oprah special.
  72. You ever saw Titanic consecutively in the theaters.
  73. You write fan fiction so Jack lives.
  74. You have dreamt that you were on the Titanic or in the movie.
  75. You have made a toast to Making it Count.
  76. You have a wall of posters in your room.
  77. You have a four serving set of Titanic china and silverware for those "special evenings."
  78. You have made a Titanic Dinner.
  79. You have gone to a Titanic Dinner in full garb.
  80. You bought the movie on "pre-release" so it was sent to you before it was released to the public.
  81. You have ever said, "Oh mother, shut up!"
  82. You went to the Movie Tour at Paramount Parks and paid the full admission to see the exhibit and left without riding any rides.
  83. Anyone has saved a Titanic article for you.
  84. You have made a point to go to an actor's/actress' hometown.
  85. You went to Santa Monica Pier and rode a horse in the surf.
  86. You know Leo's and Kate's birthdays and celebrate them.
  87. You have the passenger list memorized, along with cabin numbers.
  88. You have rode the Titanic Slide.
  89. You driven a distance to ride the Titanic Slide.
  90. You sent a venomous letter to the creators of the Titanic Slide.
  91. You wrote FOX asking they create a sequel.
  92. You have started a petition to bring Titanic back to theaters.
  93. You have yet to go a day and NOT mention Titanic in some way, shape or form.
  94. You have played the Titanic Drinking Game.
  95. You emailed Titanic buddies when you found a Titanic sale at your local bookstore.
  96. You know how many days it has been since the movie was released.
  97. You still use your 1999 Titanic calendar.
  98. You dressed up in a Titanic dress to go to an exhibit/ tour of the movie.
  99. You have changed your home page to your favorite Titanic site.
  100. You can think of 100 more obsession signs!
  101. You wrote George W. Bush a nasty letter for making a speech during the movie.
  102. You wrote a nasty letter to NBC for cutting the part where Rose spit in Cal's eye to make time for the speech.
  103. You want to slap Billy Zane.
  104. You baked something special to celebrate the network premiere of "Titanic."
  105. You can see the hairs on Kate Winslet's arms at least twice in the movie.
  106. You started a Titanic Anonymous chapter in your area.
  107. You'd recognize the exterior of a cast member's home if you saw it.
  108. You'd recognize a cast member's car if you saw it.
  109. You've written to James Cameron asking him to release a bloopers video.
  110. You've confessed to spiking the clam chowder.
  111. You used to want to go on a cruise, but now you're afraid to.
  112. You'd faint if you met Jim Threapleton, but if it wasn't for Kate Winslet, you wouldn't even know who he is.
  113. You've offered to baby-sit Mia.
  114. You've traveled more than 100 miles from your home to see one of the cast members' other movies.
  115. You've written a nasty letter to your local video store because they don't carry one of the cast members' other movies.
  116. You have the children's recordings narrated by Kate and listen to them often, but you have no children.
  117. You send books you'd like to have on tape to Kate.
  118. You have a picture of Kate or Leo on your refrigerator for weight loss motivation.
  119. Every night in your dreams, you really do see and feel Leo.
  120. You can prepare Leo's favorite meal.
  121. You know what Kate has eaten on November 22nd for the last three years.
  122. You have tried to get your children on the waiting list at either Kate's or Leo's school.
  123. You've lost track of how many times you've seen Titanic.
  124. You use lists of obsession signs like this one as therapeutic assessment tools.
  125. You're still on the edge of your seat the whole time every time you see the movie.
  126. You've written to several musical performers asking them to remake "My Heart Will Go On."
  127. The reason Weird Al hasn't done a parody of the song is you've threatened to harm him if he did.
  128. You've written to your favorite musicians asking them to record "Come Josephine in my Flying Machine."
  129. You can play "Nearer My God to Thee" by ear.
  130. You've asked the music director of your church to include "For Those in Peril on the Sea" in an upcoming service.
  131. You've asked your pastor to hold a special service on April 14th.
  132. You pray for each cast and crew member by name daily.
  133. You think Kate Winslet would make a good contemporary Christian artist.
  134. You've asked Leo to draw you.
  135. Your specialty is Heart of the Ocean cookies (heart-shaped cookies with blue frosting, sprinkles, or food coloring).
  136. You sent emergency supplies to Kate Winslet when her home was threatened by flood waters.
  137. You'll do the same for Leo if his home is ever destroyed by an earthquake.
  138. You've asked Leo's agent for copies of his poems and short stories.
  139. Whenever someone says, "It's just a movie," you angrily respond, "It is NOT just a movie!"
  140. You announce dinner like a cavalry charge.
  141. When you set the table, each place setting has about ten pieces of silverware.
  142. You have to have your pictures when you travel.
  143. When you drop pennies into a fountain, you make the sound Old Rose made when she tossed the Heart of the Ocean.
  144. When you lower yourself into water, you make the sound Rose made when she got to the bottom of the stairs with the axe.
  145. When you ride a water slide, you yell in a foreign language all the way down.
  146. You've contacted Kate Winslet with the intent to trade recipes.
  147. Your car has a Leo air freshener, Leo fuzzy dice, and Leo hubcaps.
  148. You know what music the cast members like, and that's what you listen to.
  149. You've looked up church directories online to find out where the cast members worship so you could join one of them for a Sunday service.
  150. You have an axe around the house for emergencies.
  151. You have an ugly green safe in your closet.
  152. You have a butterfly hair comb, even if you're a man.
  153. There are cracks in all your hand mirrors.
  154. You keep your complexion as pale as possible.
  155. You swim in high heels.
  156. When you spot a fogged-up window, you can't resist putting your hand print on it.
  157. When you're angry, you flip tables.
  158. You went to a church supply store to buy a pew in case you ever need a battering ram.
  159. You've installed wrought iron gates in your home.
  160. You have watertight bulkheads in your home.
  161. You invite your friends over for lifeboat drills.
  162. You have pipes along the ceilings of all the hallways of your home.
  163. You always run down hallways.
  164. You ride roller coasters until you throw up.
  165. You're on your sixth copy of the video.
  166. You bought an old Renault so you can act out the love scene with your significant other.
  167. You'd recognize Kate Winslet naked if you saw her.
  168. You send her and Jim Threapleton anniversary cards every year.
  169. You're disappointed because they didn't ask you to be Mia's godmother/godfather.
  170. You are trying to find the perfect girl for Leo, if it isn't you, that is!
  171. You wrote a letter to Kate asking her why she didn't name her daughter Rose.
  172. You send the cast and crew Christmas cards every year.
  173. You invited Jim Cameron and Suzy Amis over for clam chowder.
  174. You've camped out on a cast member's lawn.
  175. You've offered to maintain a cast member's lawn.
  176. You belong to a Titanic cult.
  177. You have a Titanic bedspread.
  178. You have matching Titanic checks and address labels.
  179. You have a Titanic shower curtain.
  180. You have said, "I don't have a Titanic problem. I can handle it."
  181. You went six month without seeing the movie, so you threw yourself a recovery party.
  182. The last time you tried to go cold turkey, you had to be hospitalized.
  183. You think you can smell the fresh paint.
  184. You run a non-profit organization whose sole mission is to make sure everyone in the world has the opportunity to see "Titanic."
  185. You keep a journal of your obsession signs.
  186. You've talked to a mental health professional about your Titanic obsession.
  187. When you're delirious, you call out to Jack.
  188. You have a cast member listed as your emergency contact.
  189. A cast member has a restraining order against you.
  190. You've asked Jim Cameron for a copy of all the footage that didn't make the final cut.
  191. You've crowned yourself King or Queen of the World.
  192. You practise twirling the belt on your bathrobe like Rose.
  193. You practise doing toe-stands.
  194. When you hurt yourself, you say "Ow!" just like Rose.
  195. You have the same music box Rose had.
  196. You have a replica of the clock in your living room.
  197. You wear Leo's favorite cologne or Kate's favorite perfume.
  198. You're planning an expedition to find the Heart of the Ocean.
  199. You can still think of 100 more obsession signs.
  200. Every time you get online you make sure to check the RPG message board.
  201. You force your friends into reenacting different scenes with you.
  202. On your cruise, you insist on seeing the boiler room.
  203. You have more than 5 plaques on your site.
  204. You find a way to incorporate Titanic into your school projects.
  205. You argue with your Star Wars obsessed friends that Jack was much better than Luke.
  206. You want to find a costume of the titanic.
  207. You buy or make a beanie baby of the titanic and sleep with it.
  208. You give life to the titanic as a part of a joke to your friends.
  209. You say "no ice in my drink please" to the waiter in a restaurant.
  210. You eat the same things from the movie.
  211. You freak out about touching it or seeing it at the exhibit, especially if it was on your birthday!
  212. You make your friends call you titanic.
  213. You get in trouble at school for drawing a picture of the titanic on your folder.
  214. You bring a picture of the titanic to draw for an art assignment.
  215. Your parents ground you from titanic for a month for getting suspended from school for something that has to do with titanic.
  216. Your christmas list consist of nothing but titanic.
  217. in your dreams the titanic comes to life from telling all of those jokes to your friends!
  218. You fashion and die your hair to look like Jack's or Rose's.
  219. You cry longer than the duration of the movie.
  220. You re-enact scenes with your girlfriend/boyfriend.
  221. You try to make people who don't like Titanic like it.
  222. You admit to people you love it even though they hate it.
  223. You know how much paint was used on the model and the real Titanic.
  224. You know the number of nails and wood and rooms, etc.
  225. You have all the books of Titanic.
  226. You can watch it 2 times (back to back) and not die from crying.
  227. You love the movie so much that you want to cry at the slightest reference to it.
  228. You can recite all of the scenes, word-for-word and correct anyone who misquotes it.
  229. You would rather surf a few more Titanic sites than spending time with a loved one.
  230. You know what the goof is in the scene where old rose sees Brock on TV.
  231. You've changed all of the icons, sounds, and the desktop to a Titanic theme.
  232. None of your bookmarks go to something non-Titanic related.
  233. You got confused by the term "non-Titanic related" - isn't everything?
  234. Your Titanic website gets updated everyday even though you get one hit a day.
  235. Someone calls a ship a boat and you flip out.
  236. While on a plane, you sneak up to first class and try to catch the eye of someone up there in hopes of a romance.
  237. On Nov. 26, 2000 you got your Advent wreath out a week early and lit the ROSE colored candle during the movie.
  238. You are upset that the regular video crops out part of the frame and insist on the widescreen version.
  239. You plan on visiting Southampton, Liverpool, or the Titanic cemetary in Halifax someday.
  240. You take captures from the DVD.
  241. You've bought anything Titanic-related from another continent.
  242. The last time you saw Titanic was in the last 24 hours.
  243. You just feel like watching a certain scene and end up watching the whole thing.
  244. Your friends and family are so sick of hearing about Titanic, you are starting to get hesitant about bringing it up... and you do anyway.
  245. You've had heated debates about whether or not Rose dies in the end.
  246. When you're cold, you think about the temperature of the water April 14th.
  247. You can't think of a reason not to see Titanic 100 times.
  248. You signed Back to Titanic's petition for a Fans' Edition.
  249. Someone says movies like Titanic are never historically accurate and you have to argue with them.
  250. If anyone is going to talk to you, they had better be prepared to talk about Titanic!

Obsession Status:

(If you can think of more, send them to us.)

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