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Today in Titanic History - with Searching
Today in
Titanic History

Thursday, February 13, 2025
1925 - 1st class survivor Mr Hugh Woolner died of pneumonia in Budapest, Hungary.

1893 - 3rd class survivor Miss Carla Christine Nielsine Andersen-Jensen was born to Christian Jensen and his wife.

1933 - 3rd class survivor Mr Charles Edward Dahl died in Tromsø, Norway at the age of 66.

1892 - 3rd class survivor Mr Eino William Lindqvist was born.

1998 - James Cameron's movie "Titanic" was released into theaters in Colombia, Poland, Norway, and Turkey.

1889 - Saloon Steward and survivor Mr Albert Charles Thomas was born in Liverpool, Merseyside, England, UK.

1876 - Scullion and survivor Mr Horace Leopold Ross was born in Southampton, Hampshire, England, UK.

1998 - The biggest leap in sales of the soundtrack for James Cameron's movie "Titanic" occured in the days preceding Valentine’s Day.

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Wallpapers: WinAmp Skins

  • Save these zip files and extract them into their own folder within your "SKINS" folder.
    (For example, C:/Program Files/WinAmp/skins/pose/EXTRACT HERE)
  • Click the menu in the upper left corner, select
    "Options | Select Skin", and choose your new skin.
Heart of the Ocean: Heart of Ice
Heart of the Ocean: Heartbeat
The skins above are the first two in a trilogy about The Heart of the Ocean. In "Heart of Ice" Cal gives Rose the necklace as a symbol of his ownership of her, not out of love. Rose turns the necklace into a symbol of her freedom from Cal when she poses for Jack in "Heartbeat". The final installment, which is in progress, is about Rose dropping the necklace back into the water, when it changed yet again into Rose's absolution about her life having been lived fully.
The Sweep
Rose being drawn
Movie Theme Sunset Kiss
Rivets on the hull Rose in despair
Titanic at sunset Making a promise

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