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Today in Titanic History - with Searching
Today in
Titanic History

Thursday, February 13, 2025
1925 - 1st class survivor Mr Hugh Woolner died of pneumonia in Budapest, Hungary.

1893 - 3rd class survivor Miss Carla Christine Nielsine Andersen-Jensen was born to Christian Jensen and his wife.

1933 - 3rd class survivor Mr Charles Edward Dahl died in Tromsø, Norway at the age of 66.

1892 - 3rd class survivor Mr Eino William Lindqvist was born.

1998 - James Cameron's movie "Titanic" was released into theaters in Colombia, Poland, Norway, and Turkey.

1889 - Saloon Steward and survivor Mr Albert Charles Thomas was born in Liverpool, Merseyside, England, UK.

1876 - Scullion and survivor Mr Horace Leopold Ross was born in Southampton, Hampshire, England, UK.

1998 - The biggest leap in sales of the soundtrack for James Cameron's movie "Titanic" occured in the days preceding Valentine’s Day.

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ContentFile SizeRunning Time Link
Brock: "Here we are again on the deck of Titanic... two and a half miles down. Three thousand eight hundred and twenty-one meters. The pressure outside is three and a half tons per square inch. These windows are nine inches thick and if they go, it's sayonara in two microseconds."388 KB0:18sayonara.wav
Old Rose: "It was a dreadful heavy thing. I only wore it this once."
Lizzy: "You actually think this is you, Nana?"
Old Rose: "It is me, dear. Wasn't I a dish?"
248 KB0:11dish.wav
Bert: "Pretty big boat, eh?"
Cora: "Daddy, it's a ship!"
Bert: "You're right."
184 KB0:04coraship.wav
Caledon: "Your daughter is far too difficult to impress, Ruth."
Ruth: laughs "So this is the ship they say is unsinkable?"
Caledon: "It is unsinkable! God himself could not sink this ship - What?"
Porter: "Sir! You have to check your baggage in through the main terminal. It's 'round that way, sir."
Caledon: "I put my faith in you, good sir. Now kindly see my man."
317 KB0:14hardimpress.wav
Old Rose: "It was the ship of dreams to everyone else. To me it was a slaveship, taking me back to America in chains. Outwardly, I was everything a well brought up girl should be. Inside, I was screaming." 421 KB0:19slaveship.wav
Jack: "Goodbye, I'll miss you!"
Fabrizio: "Goodbye!"
Jack: "Bye!"
68.8 KB0:03goodbye.wav
Old Rose: "At Cherbourg a woman came aboard named Margaret Brown, but we all called her Molly. History would call her the Unsinkable Molly Brown." 215 KB0:10cherbourg.wav
Thomas Andrews: "The idea was Mr. Ismay's. He envisioned a steamer so grand in scale, and so luxurious in its appointments that its supremacy would never be challenged. And here she is... *knock* willed into solid reality."351 KB0:16sogrand.wav
Tommy: "Ah, forget it, boyo. You'd as like have angels fly out of your arse as get next to the likes o' her."75.4 KB0:07angels.wav
Rose: "Don't come any closer. I'll let go..."29 KB0:02ill_let_go.wav
Jack: "No you won't."8.29 KB< 0:01no_u_wont.wav
Jack: "I'm Jack Dawson."
Rose: "Rose DeWitt Bukater."
Jack: "I'm gonna have to get you to write that one down."
167 KB 0:07imjack.wav
Cal: "This is completely unacceptable. What made you think that you could put your hands on my fiancee? Look at me, you filth!"
Rose: "Cal."
Cal: "What did you think you were doing?"
Rose: "Cal, stop!"
Cal: "What would give you aud -"
Rose: "It was an accident!"
530 KB0:13accident.wav
Caledon: "You know, there's nothing I couldn't give you. There's nothing I would deny you. If you would not deny me. Open your heart to me, Rose."713 KB0:15openheart.wav
Jack: "Well I've been on my own since I was fifteen. Since my folks died. And I had no brothers or sisters or close kin in that part of the country, so I lit on out of there and I haven't been back since. You could just call me a tumbleweed blowin' in the wind."643 KB0:13tumbleweed.wav
Rose: "Pardon me?"52 KB0:01pardonme.wav
Jack: "I thought you were leaving."
Rose: "I am... You are so annoying!"
Jack: laughs
178 KB0:08annoying.wav
Rose: "Why can't I be like you, Jack? Just head out for the horizon whenever I feel like it?"79 KB0:05horizon.wav
Jack: "So you want to go to a real party?"17.8 KB0:01realparty.wav
Jack: "You're still my best girl, Cora."21.6 KB0:02bestgirl.wav
Jack: "I'm not an idiot. I know how the world works. I have 10 bucks in my pocket, I have nothing to offer you, and I know that. I understand... but I'm too involved now. You jump, I jump, remember? I can't turn away without knowing you'll be all right."
Rose: "It's not up to you to save me, Jack."
205 KB0:19idiot.wav
Jack: "They've got you trapped, Rose. And you're gonna die if you don't break free -- maybe not right away because you're strong, but ... sooner or later that fire that I love about you, Rose. That fire's gonna burn out."333 KB0:15fire.wav
Jack (whisper) : "Open your eyes."
Rose: gasp "I'm flying."
96 KB0:08flying.wav
Rose: "Jack, I want you to draw me like one of your French girls. Wearing this."
Jack (whisper) : "All right."
Rose: "Wearing only this."
231 KB0:10onlythis.wav
Jack: "Over on the bed - the couch."37 KB0:03bedcouch.wav
Rose: "I believe you are blushing Mr. Big Artiste ... I can't imagine Monsieur Monet blushing."
Jack: "He does landscapes. Just relax your face."
Rose: "Sorry."
Jack: "No laughing."
219 KB0:20blushing.wav
*beep, beep* Jack: "Where to, miss?"
Rose (whisper) : "To the stars."
156 KB0:07tothestars.wav
Rose (whisper) : "Put your hands on me, Jack."302 KB0:14hands-on-me.wav
Rose: "You're trembling."
Jack (whisper) : "Don't worry. I'll be all right."
183 KB0:08trembling.wav
Rose: "When the ship docks ... I'm getting off with you."
Jack (whisper) : "This is crazy."
Rose: laugh "I know, it doesn't make any sense. That's why I trust it."
312 KB0:14sense.wav
Lookout: "ICEBERG RIGHT AHEAD!"22.3 KB0:02iceberg.wav
*bell* Lookout: "Is there anyone there?"
Crewman: "Yes, What do you see?"
Lookout: "Iceberg right ahead!"
74.9 KB0:06icebrg.wav
Bruce Ismay: "But this ship can't sink."
Thomas Andrews: "She's made of iron, sir. I assure you she can... And she will."
63 KB0:05cantsink.wav
Rose: "Don't you understand? The water is freezing and there aren't enough boats. Not enough by half. Half the people on this ship are going to die."
Caledon: "Not the better half."
102 KB0:09half.wav
Rose: "Goodbye, Mother."
Ruth: "Rose? Rose, come back here!"
Caledon: "Where are you going? To him? To be a whore to a gutter rat?"
Rose: "I'd rather be his whore than your wife."
158 KB0:14whore_wife.wav
Tommy: "For God's Sake there's women and children down here!"24.7 KB0:02children.wav
Steward: "What do you think you're doing? You'll have to pay for that you know! That's White Star Line property!"
Jack and Rose: "Shut up!"
190 KB0:08property.wav
Steward: "What do you think you're doing?"42 KB0:01property1.wav
Jack and Rose: "Shut up!"23 KB0:01property2.wav
Jack: "Go on. I'll get the next one."
Rose: "No, not without you."
Jack: "I'll be all right. Listen, I'll be fine. I'm a survivor, all right? Don't worry about me. Go on. Get on."
175 KB0:16survivor.wav
Jack: "Rose! You're so stupid! Why'd you do that, huh? You're so stupid, Rose! Why did you do that, why?"
Rose: "You jump, I jump, right?"
351 KB0:16jumpback.wav
Rose: "You jump, I jump, right?"23.7 KB0:02jump.wav
Caledon: "I hope you enjoy your time together!"102 KB0:09enjoy.wav
Rose: "What's happening, Jack?"
Jack: "I don't know. I don't know!"
69.8 KB0:03dontknow.wav
Jack: "You must promise me that you won't give up. No matter what happens. Promise me now, Rose."
Rose: "I promise."
Jack: "And never let go of that promise."
Rose: "I'll never let go, Jack. I'll never let go."
402 KB0:18never.wav
Carpathia crewman: "Can I take your name please, Love?"
Rose: "Dawson. Rose Dawson."
220 KB0:10nameplease.wav

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